A thundering Yin-Yang Spear crashed into his abdomen, weaving past the hole in his guard. Although the raw power of the attack wasn't particularly impressive by peak Master standards, what made it devastating nonetheless was how Rui applied it.
The right attack at the right place at the right moment.
By embodying this philosophy better than anybody before him, Rui could magnify the combat impact of each attack that he launched. The combination of the updated predictive model and the SOUL System, along with the Metabody System at full power with each Nemean Blossom, Weaving Blood, Neo Godspeed, and Megamind being activated to a quarter of their full power, and he had become a menacing offense.
"I don't need the defense anymore."
He swiftly replaced Nemean Blossom and Weaving Blood with Hypertrophic Surge, increasing the power that he unleashed to even greater degrees.