
The air grew uncertain and silent after the Martial Pontifex declared the outcome of the battle.

A lot of them were absorbed in the miracles that they had just witnessed.

A lot of them were uncertain about the future.

And yet, one Sage drew their attention with her gesture.

Sage Sariawar rose from her seat among the Sages as she drifted towards the Dawnbringer.

Her expression was reverent.

Her eyes were fervorous.

She arrived before Rui, even as he walked towards the exit.

Rui, on the other hand, simply glared at her with displeasure.

He was already in a bad mood due to losing out on fighting another Martial Sage and potentially winning for real this time. He didn't want to be confronted by an unpleasant presence when he was already feeling very irritated.

And yet, she simply knelt before him, much to the shock of many who beheld the entire scene.