
Rui slept for more than a whole day after that. 

Perhaps it was because this nation and its shenanigans exhausted him more than any other nation prior. Regardless, he found himself drained in spirit more than he was physically drained.

He slept for more than twenty-four hours, simply letting his mind recuperate.

The Blood of Solaris accelerated his energy replenishment massively, but it could not accelerate the recuperation of the brain after experiencing strain from the Martial Mind and the Megamind technique.

Thus, Rui truly spent his time sleeping well and deep until his mind and brain had fully recuperated from the strain.

When he woke up, he found Amare sleeping soundly by his side. She was anything but an elegant sleeping beauty, with her limbs stretched across the entire bed, her long brown hair in a mess across her entire pillow, and her light, soft snores drawing an amused, wry smile on Rui's face.