Rui trekked the mountain on foot at a rapid pace, avoiding the skies.
Sky-walking was strictly prohibited above the airspace of Mt Virodha. It was seen as extremely disrespectful to their Martial Transcendent. Thus, Rui found himself trekking up the mountain at a rapid but respectful pace.
The closer he got, the more he felt his nerves tingle.
The closer he got, the harder his heartbeat.
The closer he got, the more the anticipation weighed him down.
His gaze remained fixed on the peak of the mountain.
He didn't so much as glance in any other direction.
The view of the expansive civilization of the Virodhabhasa Theocracy in all directions. The cool breeze was brushing by him, and there was the pleasant presence of nature and even the warm embrace of the Sun.
None of them could draw his gaze away from his destination and goal.
And thus, he finally arrived at the peak of the mountain.