Rui simply stood there for a moment, still processing not just the crazy conversation that he had had with the Martial Transcendent but also the fact that his problem in the Virodhabhasa Theocracy had already been solved.
The entirety of his perspective of the nation, the loyalty of the Martial Sages who believed in him, and the religion had been turned upside-down in the span of what wasn't a very long conversation.
Only a Martial Transcendent could change his worldview so drastically and so quickly.
Not only did his thoughts about all of it change, but his feelings on the matter also started to change.
"I am the Antithesis."
The Martial Pontifex widened his eyes with shock as pure sincerity and honesty could be heard in Rui's powerful tone.
This time, he didn't utter it with the intention of deceiving.
This time, he uttered it with the intention of embodying it.