Rui felt nauseous.
For a moment, he was really questioning whether or not he should back away from the Blood Cult. He truly had no idea what to expect because these people weren't really a nation in the first place. The same could be said for the Gen Temple, but the people of the Gen Temple still lived their day-to-day life ordinarily within the temple.
He highly doubted that this was true for the Blood Cult.
"You seem unnerved," the Blood Lord remarked with an eerie tone. "Would you believe me if I told you that you have nothing to worry about?"
Rui frankly couldn't.
"I have faith in my political protection, I suppose." His smile was wry.
The Blood Lord laughed out loud. "You should. It is quite powerful. The Emperor of Harmony has proved that with the Nest of Terra."
The news of the Kandrian Empire's attack on the Nest of Terra had served as a warning to all Sage-level powerhouses.