The past two months had been revolutionarily different for the Blood Goddess. Released from her golden prison, she was entirely unsure how to live a life outside of the set path she had followed.
Within that set path, she had always retained a lot of free will. In fact, within her duties, she had even greater authority than the Blood Lord himself.
And yet, they never allowed her to use that authority to defy the set life path.
Half her time was spent in pregnancy, while the other half was spent training her Martial Arts for the sake of empowering her Martial Body. The more she fought, the more she trained, the more her body would naturally evolve. She had exhausted other means of blood evolution, including blood evolution treatment.
Thus, she pursued Martial Art for the sole sake of evolving her genes and becoming an even more valued treasure.
Now that that was gone and she was free, her life was hers to lead.