The Heaven Sect was a generally difficult powerhouse to deal with.
For one, they were unapologetically arrogant.
They thought they were the best and the strongest and that there was nobody above them. They thought they knew right, and nobody knew better than them. That was why even if they agreed with his father's plan on paper, they were not inclined to accept it since it had come from someone else.
It was frustrating that there were nations with such an aggressive level of arrogance. It went far above and beyond the normal level of arrogance that he expected from the average Sage-level powerhouse.
"I just hope we get through them without any annoying nonsense."
Unfortunately, he didn't see that happening. The Heaven Sect rarely accepted anything straightforwardly. Rejecting proposals and looking down on people was almost baked in their genes from having lived up in the clouds for this long.
"Living up in the clouds…?" Amare tilted her head.