The air boiled with tension as the Martial Sage's hand rested on the handle of his greatsword.
He didn't draw the blade out.
He simply gritted his teeth, glaring at Rui.
"What's the matter?" Rui raised an eyebrow. "Scared?"
"You little shit…" the Martial Sage gnashed his teeth with frustration. "You know that the only reason that you're getting away with this attitude is because you have political protection!"
Rui's grin widened with derision. "Don't get the wrong idea. I have no reason to fear you, protection or not."
It was a paltry provocation, and the man's haughty arrogance refused to allow him to ignore it even if he knew it was a provocation.
The atmosphere chilled with peril as the two of them faced each other.
The Blood Goddess clenched her fists, gritting his teeth. "Why is he provoking a Sage?!"
Amare heaved an exasperated sigh.