Amare simply stared at him while he contemplated the events that had just happened.
And the events that would happen.
She heaved a soft sigh. "The Sages you have fought until now were bottom of the barrel. Is that the case with Sage Sekiei?"
Rui shrugged. "Probably. The citadel is the most secure place in the Heaven Sect. The fact that he was placed over there for protection instead of the border, which is in greatest danger, is a good sign that he is among the weakest. Also…"
Rui shrugged. "I know what an opponent entirely outside my capabilities feels like, and he simply isn't that guy."
Of course, he knew better than to trust his instincts blindly. After all, if Masters were too multi-dimensional for instincts to reliably quantify, then that was surely even more true for Sages. And yet, everything about the Martial Sage screamed at Rui that he was not someone Rui could not handle.