Once you touch your holo to the scanner, the door screeches open, revealing a very different building behind it. It's still obvious that this place used to be a warehouse, but it has been upgraded and updated with all the latest tech: holoprinters, self-healing building materials, bio-adaptive work stations, military-grade sound-proofing (do you even want to wonder why that feature is necessary?), energy recyclers, the works.

This looks like a flourishing, lucrative business.

And the woman who runs it, older, smart-eyed, is pointing a gun at you.

Not the hi-tech kind. Just the regular kind, the one with the bullets that can shoot you dead.

That's Chalidah, then.

She glances at your ID details on her holo. "I apologize for the gun, Mr. Private Eye," she says, "but we can't be too careful these days."