Eugenie signals to the musicians to stop playing and they make room for her on the stage. She stands behind the podium, graceful and radiant under the lights. Her face is magnified and displayed on a holo wall so everyone can see her; the event is broadcast live on the holonews.

"Esteemed guests, beloved allies, and dear citizens watching from afar," she says, "welcome. This is a very important evening for all of us here, because it marks the culmination of a long and difficult road that led to tomorrow's vote. You have all worked hard to expose the realities of Virtual Experience and to protect those most vulnerable to it–an often thankless job. For that, no matter what tomorrow will bring, you have my sincere and heartfelt thanks and appreciation. Please, put your hands together."

The crowd claps and cheers.

She waits for the applause to subside before continuing.

"Tonight, I would like you all to hear from a dear colleague of mine, someone who has first-hand experience with VE and all that it means for those most intimately affected by it. He is a Private Investigator who has been assisting me in this taxing journey. You have been hearing a lot from me, and perhaps some of you have grown tired of my voice. Perhaps you think this is all just politics to me. So I think it's time we all heard his voice directly. This is the real deal. Please, welcome Mr. André Timoteo .."

She nods at you, smiling so warmly and appreciatively it would be hard for anyone to believe she doesn't mean every word she says.

You're up.

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