Father and Son's Argument

MASKS TO UNVEIL! CHAPTER 41: Father and Son's Argument

Naxzi bowed at his father, who was sitting across from him. He didn't know that his father would really give him the edict that Sencha proposed. He doubts if his father would actually give him such a big opportunity. If everyone will know, which they will surely do, that Sencha was the one who was the mastermind behind it all, then people will attack her not him. 

He squinted his eyes and the eunuch, behind the emperor, smiled at him almost mischievously. Naxzi felt that the eunuch behind him was nothing less than a mage, or so a powerful person. If he wasn't a mage, then what is he? Naxzi didn't want to care but the power the eunuch emits was somewhat making him uneasy. Truly, maybe facing the emperor wasn't a good idea at all. 

Naxzi curved up his lips and smiled at his father, 

"Truly a good chance to see you up close, father." He smiled widely and the emperor felt annoyed.