Advice On How To Control Anger


CHAPTER 146: Advice On How To Control Anger

The trip was fast and smooth. Everyone was fairly excited to return to the empire. Naxzi, on the other hand, was feeling a bit weary and he doesn't know why. Sometimes, he would not sleep for the whole night and guard their tent, and after that night, he wouldn't take a rest and just go on his schedule strictly. 

He doesn't want to waste a day not working because the more time they consume traveling to the North, they will be late to surprise everyone. Naxzi hasn't informed the Emperor that he would be back but of course, doing that would spoil the game.

General Fornolyo was all recovered and he was riding the horse along with the others. Xian and Sencha wanted to ride the horses but no one allowed them to do so.  They could only let out a bitter sigh and looked into each other helplessly. Even Naxzi told her that she should stay put so that she won't be sick.