""How was he, in the dark forest?""
A deep voice asked calmly
"Master, the young master actually passed my expectations. He coped really well in the dark forest, he knew when to retreat and when to fight, his actions looked cowardly to those who don't understand the situation, but as I was an overseer, I could see the situations very clearly.
I was there to protect him, if any unforseen circumstances were to happen, but nothing of sort happened and I am sure the young master wasn't fighting seriously and only chose to escape the fights, in other not to exhaust himself, the only failure on his part after my evaluation, is him assisting a stranger in the dark forest which could have lead to his demise"
The man dressed in all black replied as well with a calm voice, but his expression couldn't be seen due to his face being covered
""If you were to scale my son's power as a mage, what stage would he be?""
The man sitting with a casual look on his face asked again.
"I would say he is already in the second stage, trying to breakthrough to the third stage"
The man dressed in all black said while bowing
""So he is already a senior apprentice mage, I can finally tell him, about sending him to the academy!!
Where you noticed by him?""
The man's blue eyes narrowed, which felt like a death stare, to the person he was staring at.
"No master, I wasn't noticed by him, it would be a failure on my side to be noticed by him, master"
The man dressed in black stated, with his head facing the ground.
""Alright you may leave""
"Yes master"
With that the man dressed all in black disappeared from the study, like a gust of wind!!
Back on the road Derrick was getting familiar with the route to the dark forest and back home, it seems he had been going in circles in the dark forest, and hadn't gone pass the entrance level of the dark forest.
He could have gotten home easily, if he only knew the route and the day was bright.
On the other hand Rosetta face was blank, not showing any emotions on her face, but her mind was in full throttle, on what her next move would be, Her body was getting weaker, the cold was biting her insides, but she was feigning ignorance to the state her body was in, her only hope now is that her father had already secured a ferry wolf's core. For a seven years old girl, she is a strong one.
The journey, if it could be called one, back home was quiet, you could only hear the sounds of horses walking, the streets were devoid of people, the route wasn't normally used and due to the search for the Baron's son, the people decided to stay in doors until the soldiers have been withdrawn.
Back in the Dark's mansion, Miranda was at the living room, pacing back and forth, with worry written all over her face, she wanted to join the search with the soldiers but was held back by her husband assuring her that their son would be fine.
But she couldn't sit still and was riddled with worry, the strange thing was she wasn't alone, she was with another woman also pacing back and forth with a similar worry on her face, she was even looking worse than Miranda, her face was dark and gloomy which made her look scary, although she was equally beautiful as Miranda, she had an oval face, big gold eyes, pink lips which were now a bit hallow and golden hair, she was the splitting image of Rosetta.
She was the Earl's wife Mrs Theresa Holman, and a woman of her status shouldn't be pacing back and forth, but this was due to the worries she had, her daughter was missing and also ill, she couldn't help but be worried.
Both of their husbands were in their various rooms, the Baron, was in his study, while Earl Holman was in the guest room which was exclusively prepared for them, it was as big as the master's bedroom and was well furnished for the use of the Earl.
The night before, the Earl and the Baron met at the boundary of the dark territory, after a letter was sent to the Dark's mansion about the arrival of Earl's entourage, due to the higher hierarchy of the Earl, it was custom for the Baron to welcome him into his territory, but was met with bad news on getting there, that their daughter went ahead into the dark territory, which was acknowledged by the soldiers at the gates, which they were seriously reprimanded for, and this brought about the current predicament.
The Earl and the Baron exchanged pleasantries and could only wait for news of their children, the Earl was restless but couldn't mobilize his soldiers, which he brought with him in another noble's territory, even if it was a lower one, it will spark the flames of war, due to the delicate situation the empire was, every noble was expected to be granted permission to mobilize his private army in another's noble territory.
Finally the children and the soldiers arrived at the mansion, with a loud cheer, the soldiers quickly ran to inform the Sir and Madam, while the rest opened the gates for the incoming children
Derrick eyes were a bit wet
"I am home" he whispered to himself
Rosetta was behind looking at him thinking
'So he was really a noble, is he crying?, ahh how stupid could he be?'....