A chubby boy walked in to the shop, with three others, they all look like those rich brats you see in movies, they were all putting on jewelries and all of them were chubby, and a bit short.
One of them was the boy Derrick met the last time he was in the shop, the sales lady attitude changed a few degrees after seeing them asking politely, "Young masters, what should I offer you today?"
"Lady Feyfey do you have anymore fire attribute beast cores? my father wants them for his trading" The leader of the group which was the merchant son.
Derrick on the hand, was just cursing his bad luck for running into this brat, it was already getting dark and he just wanted to leave, the boy glanced at Derrick and Rosetta.
"Oh my if is not our wandering pauper, what are you doing here again?" the chubby boy asked looking towards Derrick in a condensing manner, a voice laced with ridicule.
This caused Rosetta to raise a brow towards, her expression turned icy, she was already in a bad mood due to the inferior goods this shop had, now a walking balloon was insulting Derrick.
Derrick held her and whispered to her "Please don't say anything"
"Why shouldn't I, you are a noble and should be treated with respect, if you can't demand the respect you deserve, I would do it for you" Rosetta replied Derrick with a voice that sounded displeased.
Derrick frowned, he has been trying to keep a low profile and been avoiding stupid interaction, these kids are starting to annoy him, but he knew better than to lose his cool, he gazed at Rosetta, the gaze was so cold, Rosetta shuddered, she felt she was being stared by a huge predator, but in the next second she saw that the gaze have been replaced with a bright smile on Derrick face, like the gaze before was just an illusion "I will handle this" Derrick told Rosetta with a somewhat tired voice, before turning away from Rosetta and facing the three idiots.
"If you all kowtow to me and call me your grandpa, I will let you guys go without beating the snot out of you" Derrick said to the three idiots with a very polite smile, like he couldn't hurt a fly, Rosetta on the other felt that smile was a bit cold.
The three boys who seemed bewildered, looked at each other before bursting into laughters "You want to beat the snot out of us, do you know who my father is?, do you think you and your stupid guard behind you can do anything to us?" The leader of the three idiots spoke with a voice full of arrogance, his face showing the pure mockery he felt towards Derrick, the rest two were no different they were gloating at Derrick and his group.
Derrick looked at them with eyes that was piercing, in the next moment, Derrick walked towards the first idiot, and held the leader of the three idiots by his clothes firmly, the chubby idiot struggled only to be punched in the stomach, which made him squeal like a pig, "ahhhh, you fucking ahh asshole wait till my father find ahh...." he was on the floor squealing and raining curses, Derrick didn't even look at him twice again, the sales lady, lady Feyfey saw this and tried calling the guards stationed outside the shop "guards, someone is making trouble" but before the guards could even come in, they were knocked out cold by Phill who has already moved in the background.
Derrick left the squealing pig on the floor and went to the next two, whom attacked him at once, one pulled out a sword by his waist, it seems he was a warrior, he dashed forward with all his strength, yelling "dieeeee", Derrick moved a bit to the left dodging the sword, and bending a bit to dodge the fireball sent by the other boy at the end, Derrick then kicked the warrior in the back which caused him to fly backwards like a broken kite, before eventually landing and he fainted, Derrick looked at the warrior before shaking his head thinking 'with that body size, I hope he last on the battle field'
Before the last boy could conjure another spell he was sent flying with a blow on the cheek, he fell and sprawled on the floor and was twitching like someone who was electrocuted.
Derrick came back to his position close to Rosetta and said with a smile "this punishment would be enough for them, right?"
"Well they offended you not me, so if you think this punishment is enough for them I won't comment on it but this would be the last time" Rosetta replied smiling sweetly at Derrick, she was impressed at how fast Derrick dealt with them without using magic.
On the other hand Derrick was thinking something else 'I have become rusty, these kids should have gone to the dream land with a single punch, it seems I need to restart my training'
Lady Feyfey was still screaming and her screams were like cracked tape, which brought another frown on Derrick's face, he walked up to her with slow steps before crouching down to were she sat screaming and said "this would be your last warning, the next time you and this shop would cease to exist in the dark territory"
This left her flabbergasted, she quickly calmed down and digested what just happened "who the hell are you?" Derrick looked at her straight in the eyes before saying "Your future lord"