A year passed Derrick was widely known already in the Eastern territory and it was time for him to leave the Dark territory. It was time for Derrick to go to the academy, both he and Rosetta were to leave home.
Derrick felt unhappy about the whole situation, that he developed an headache, his strength as a whole has grown tremendously, but leaving home wasn't in his plans, he wasn't the ambitious type and was happy with were he was.
"Saint Falzia Academy huh" Derrick muttered to himself, this would be the first time he was leaving the Eastern territory to the Central territory were all those snobbish nobles were, even the royalties were there.
"Boy what are you so scared of, me and your ancestor roamed around Falzia, conquering nations too" Zazel said to Derrick, who only sighed the more from the words of Zazel, instead of him to be happy, he was more distressed now.
"Oh am not scared, just the change of scenery is making me feel glum, I can't turn back and decide not to go, my parents would be distressed" Derrick said again.
'The Academy was meant for all manner of people, I know I wouldn't even be the strongest there' Derrick thought, his brows slanting as he looked down.
He practically stood up, and went to meet his father in his study, his steps were not slow nor fast.
He knocked on the door and entered the study, only to see his Father and the man he has already forgotten about, the man who was all in black, when the man saw him, he bowed towards Derrick and Baron Dark before excusing himself from the study.
'Oh he survived, I thought he died in that war, I haven't seen him in almost three years now' Derrick thought towards himself after seeing the man in black, his face didn't reveal anything on the outside though.
"Son, what can I do for you? you would be going to the Central territory tomorrow to start your academy life, is that why you came?" Baron Dark whose face was masked in the darkness said in his chair, trying to read Derrick's face, who had no single emotion in his face.
"Father, the tuition of Saint Falzia Academy is astronomical, how are we going to afford it? we are just a small barony" Derrick wanted to say things in a roundabout manner to avoid going to the academy.
"Well just know we are a very rich barony son, and the tuition of the academy is of my concern not yours son" Baron Dark said coming out from the shadows he sat before, he very much looked like the experience handsome warrior, he was, Derrick felt his father's aura had changed, it seems he had a breakthrough all very recently.
"Father can't I not go?" Derrick said drooping his head, acting like a child that he wasn't.
"We have already talked about this already, you have to see the world son, you have been living in the dark territory all your life, only visiting the Holmans territory to visit that little fiancee of yours, and you are already on the radar of most elites so be careful out there son" Baron Dark said scattering Derrick's hair with his hands before apparently heading towards the door "We will have a long talk later son, I have other things to do and you should go see your mother, she seems a little bit unhappy about your departure" Baron Dark said before apparently leaving the study room.
Derrick watched as his father left him alone, "this academy feels like trouble already, my life has been relatively peaceful all these years now and here comes an academy" Derrick said dragging his legs towards his mother's room.
"Mother is me, may I come in?" Derrick said at the door of Miranda's room, he felt the only person who could bring about a change in this outcome was his mother.
"Oh my sweet boy" Miranda came out and snuggled Derrick who blushed a bit, Miranda seeing this made a light laugh smiling at her son, her lovely black eyes twinkled and her dark hair swayed, her plump chest bounced with the laugh she made, she ushered Derrick into her room.
"Son you hardly visit me, is there a good reason today" Miranda said all smiles while both of them was sitting on the bed, Miranda was also cutting an apple, and handed it to Derrick.
"Mother can't I come and see you again and besides am leaving tomorrow, so I wanted to spend sometime with you" Derrick said before bitting on the apple, the sweetness filling his mouth made him glee, he wanted to complain to his mother about going to the academy but seeing her, the thought left him, he doesn't want to sadden her more.
"Oh my, my son is getting more mature" she said smiling, trying to hide the sadness she felt.
"Son becareful out there, come home if you feel like you don't want to go to the academy again alright" Miranda said with her eyes looking watery, it was hard on her to see her beloved son leave.
"Mother don't worry, I will bring back souvenirs, when visiting and I will also send letters too" Derrick said trying to ease his mother's worry.
"That's my boy" she said hugging him, although Derrick felt uncomfortable before but he has finally accepted the Dark's has his one and only family and he was okay with the intimacy that comes with it.