Looking at the situation calmly, Derrick realize the only one way out, which was to fight and there was no way to contact Shadow for help too.
"I left all of you alone the last time without killing you, do you think I would give you a second chance" Derrick spoke, a chilling aura was being exuded, his eyes became serious and those who looked at it saw death staring at them.
This eventually killed the morale of the opponents, even thou the formation has halved Derrick's powers, that doesn't mean he was defenseless, the warriors who were preparing to attack began having second thoughts, they were thesame warriors Derrick beat black blue the night before and few additions.
"Don't listen to his ranting, have you forgotten our backing, he cannot kill us and think of leaving the territory of Valluck alive, and he is just bluffing to kill time, he is no longer strong enough to fight all of you" the slave trader was ranting, speaking as if he had everything under control, meanwhile Derrick was assessing the situation, killing of the low level mages and stopping the formation would be ideal but they were too far away and it seems they had their own protections.
'The best way to end this battle is to kill the slave trader, but even the slave trader was wise enough to run far away and give orders, he was just watching everything at a large distance' Derrick thought with a wry smile on his face.
Derrick whole body was in alert mode now, there were more warriors now which where a total of six, looking at them, it seems four of them were 3rd stage warriors and two of them were 4th stage warriors.
Derrick took a dagger from the shoe he wore, it's been long he used a dagger, but the familiar feeling was still there, his eyes locked on the warriors but he knew it wouldn't be an easy fight, he couldn't rely solely on his assassin skills, because this were not regular humans from his previous world.
"Ella this is gonna get a bit messy, if you can't stand it close your eyes or if there is any chance run away and find Shadow" Derrick turned to speak with the shivering Ella, the fight was inevitable but he had made the warriors have second thoughts, he knew they didn't plan to kill them, but turning them into slaves wasn't any better.
'Zazel can you take over ?' Derrick told Zazel who has been quiet, but Zazel only replied with "Is a low level formation, so I can take over whenever, but I want to see how you pass this test, you should know there are other ways to fight apart from strength in this world and this is your first lesson".
Derrick didn't say anything, he wanted to argue but the situation was not a favourable one, before he could think of something, a sword slash came his way, seeing the aura slash Derrick turned a bit dodging it by a millimeter, the slash destroying a nearby building.
"What the f**k, are you f****g trying to kill me" Derrick screamed, he still had the idea that they would only be careful in capturing them and not trying to kill them.
"Shut up, the orders were to capture you, but that doesn't mean we can't kill you and demand for ransom too" the warrior said with a sneer.
Derrick heard that and his body began to vibrate, his mouth twisted into a scary grin, and then he burst out laughing before saying "hahaha, alright I was still having second thoughts in killing you lots, but now I no longer have any second thought".
After saying that Derrick quickly took his second dagger from his shoe, before running at a very high speed his 2nd stage warrior power could take him, but his strength was still comparable to a 3rd stage warrior and the warrior who made that aura slash couldn't believe what happened in the next second.
The warrior's right hand flew off gushing out blood before he could understand what was happening, his left hand also flew off gushing out blood, his screams were so loud that it woke up all the other warriors that were there, the other warriors seeing this quickly attacked Derrick together.
The splattered blood on Derrick's dagger and face, made him remember the smell of human blood, his memories flashed to his past in a second, he stood there looking at the remaining warriors that were preparing to attack him, his brown eyes looked coldly at them and his twisted smile grew larger.