

The whole situation still looked alien to me, I understand everything Zazel said but why am I here? Did I arrive here when I became unconscious?..

"Alright kid don't look so confused, I was the one who drew you here, after you became unconscious, so don't have weird thoughts".

Zazel spoke to me after he saw the worries written all over my face, I breathed a sigh of relief, I thought I have gone into a vegetable state and become trapped here.

"Alright stop day dreaming, the reason I brought you here is to teach you or let me put it in a more easier way, to enlighten you about the things of the world, since you only know the bare minimum" Zazel continued speaking and I was seriously listening to his blabbering, he seemed serious and wasn't talking about women for a change.

"There are things you have to know that are more potent than the little formation trap you fell in, alright I think I have told you about formation so we would skip that, the next thing you should be wary of is witchcraft also known as sorcery, they are not warriors or mages who use mana and aura to fight, they are those who are based on spells and usually most folks call it black magic, you should be wary of them.

The next thing you should know is artifacts, they could be weapons, jewelries or even clothing which has tremendous powers, although I don't think you would find any of them here" Zazel wanted to continue but I stopped him.

"Wait wait wait, do you mean there are artifacts out there that can rival absolute strength?" I asked looking confused, I have been focused on my training, in order to get stronger when I arrive at the academy, so that I wouldn't be easily bullied, or I should be able to hold my ground, so what the f**k is he saying.

"Kid, strength is not the only way to win battles, like your earlier battle that you were heavily wounded, those little fries wouldn't have been able to harm your hair, but due to the formation, it was a drawn out fight so you should understand what am saying" Zazel spoke as if he was some scholar, that face is really getting on my nerves.

"The next thing you should know about is alchemy, pills made from alchemy are of different tier, we have the low grade pills, the medium grade pills and the high grade pills, every pill has their uses and a single pill can also change the outcome of a battle, alchemist are renowned anywhere they are even if they are low tier ones, and with time and when the resources becomes available I would be willing to teach you alchemy" Zazel was still speaking as if he knows everything, this pervert demon lord, acting all refined is making my skin crawl, I don't know much about everything he has told me but it seems I have neglected in every aspect, I need to retrace my steps to avoid a messy ending.

"Alright we also have magic weapons and so much more with each adventure you would be able to learn more things, and you should really get prepared, you are no longer in your cozy shelter kid" Zazel stopped talking and looked to the sky which was shining brightly with stars and the day was bright and sunny, the atmosphere was still bizarre for me to handle, but before I could say anything, Zazel spoke.

"Let's see what's happening outside, it seems is time for you to return".