Chapter 7 : Recon(3)

After another round of shopping , We went back towards the alley, to find our captive still sleeping peacefully.

So, without further ado, I conjured up another portal to take us back to base.

I handed over the girl to Smith as he went about his business.

Eli was smiling all day long as she finally went to Sakura Machi and had fun on the Sakura-land. a theme park made up of flowers that are arranged beautifully. there's even rides. and other attractions with themes that make my inner weeb come out.

"So how was Eli today?"

"It's Fun!"

Well with that smile you can't fool anyone Eli. I don't think living in the office is a good idea, maybe I should ask Smith for an accomodation... but speaking of which...



"How old are you?"

"Hmmmmm...." Eli counted the years with her fingers and finally opened up both hands towards me "Eli is 10 years old!"

"Do you have a home Eli?"

"Home? isn't this Eli's home?"




"Ummm... no this is supposed to be an office, it's used for work... sleeping on the sofa can even stifle your growth Eli!"

"...! But papa said that if Eli drinks a lot of milk Eli will grow tall!"

Not with this environment you won't!

"How about school? Did you go to school Eli?"

Eli shakes her head while looking depressed. I guess something might have happened huh.

"Then... Do you want to go to school? "

She suddenly jumps at the question looking a bit... You know what, I can't read the mind nor the heart. I can't even try to guess what Eli's thinking.

But that does raise the question... why is she kept here for one, and two how the hell is can an unsupervised child wander off to the edge of town!

Talk about the lack of... wait it actually makes a bit more sense once I think about it.

The company.... I didn't even know the name of this company! anyway. The company employs returnees is located here. Thus, the crime rate should be the lowest, right? I mean that's just speculation at this point might as well ask Smith about it.

"Eli wants to go to school"

!? Oh yeah I was asking her that question huh....

"... Ok. I'll make it happen."

I said as I opened the door and headed to Smith's Office. Time for me to have the real talk.


I knock at the door. expecting him to open it up right away. but after some time I'm thinking about kicking down the door again. but thankfully before I did. A voice behind me stopped me.

"Are you looking for Mr. Smith?"

"Ah... yeah!"

I looked behind me and this is the girl with a ponytail before right? I remember the green hair, but she seemed to let all her hair down this time around.

"He's currently in the interrogation room, and asked me to fetch you."

"Ok. Lead the way."

as we walked together towards the lift.

"So... what's your name again?"




"Please follow me. quietly"

Fine Ignore me. Pretend I'm air!

inside the lift I finally realize that the building I'm currently in is a skyscraper evident by the 29 floors present on the lift's button.

She then punched in a couple of numbers. and the elevator begins moving.




The silence is killing me.








But then I noticed something strange... although she tried to hide it... I saw something on her back... no saw might be wrong, but my magic picks something up.




It's a brand, no doubt about it... but what brand it represents still eludes me.




as not all brands are evil. just like magic. It has tons of different uses.




An example would be My own brand, I branded myself with runes of power, among other basic enhancements. to more specific anti-divine runes.




But there's always a catch with these brands.




Mine is... well it's eldritch. It F***** up my mind more times than I could count.




But there are also those more ... malicious ones... slavery is a common example... brands of the betrayer are also common examples...




But her brand...




is 100% slave seal. a Demon Lords no ... a Hero's Slave seal.


"We've arrived. and please keep your eyes to yourself, you filthy hero."

... That's where you're wrong kiddo. I'm no hero.


-4 floor is essentially a containment complex. I can sense mana running through each and every one of them. and they're quite complex at a glance.

Currently the floor is devoid of life. no it's more accurate to say that most of the inmates are kept in stasis, but their minds still work. I wonder if it's some kind of torture.

The hall I was walking in is pure white. on the side are cells... if you can call them that. These cells contain returnees I suppose.

but I can also see a few variations of species, from aliens to green skinned humanoids. I wonder if they're the same ORKS as the ones I faced before.

walking deeper into the complex, I was finally led into a room, and it seems that it's a spectators room. we're spectating the girl I caught before. and then there's Smith.

"Sorry for rushing you here like this, but it seems that she only wanted to talk if it's you..."

... since when did a suspect have the right to choose the interrogator?


I came inside the interrogation room.



The lady stared at me, and I stared back... to be honest I have no interest in this farce, but what interests me is the brand on her neck.

It's not a slavery band thats for sure, even though the file said that she's an ex-slave. I cannot seem to find any brands of that on her. or perhaps she uses another system I'm unaware of.

My curiosity got the better of me as I stood up to get a closer look.



I shut her up by placing my palm on her chin and pushing it up, choking her, and lifting her up in the air so I can analyze it clearer.

"interesting... Tell me... do you know anything ~~Eldritch~~" I spoke Eldritch without mana and in native eldritch tongue.

"Huh? What kind of nonsense are you saying!? AKh..."

Hmmmm this brand... I don't know this brand but I'm 100% certain that it's eldritch in nature. if it's not her that brand herself, then there's a larger conspiracy.

I released the girl as she slumped down and gasped for air.

"You think this much will---"

I kicked over the table and chair. sending it across the room. I grabbed the girl by the hand, and by applying a bit of sword intent on my hand I sliced her palm.

With mana I controlled the blood. Her blood continues to pour out from her as it creates a circle on the floor. My mana guided the blood to make more intricate patterns.

after 1 or so odd minutes. I stopped as the circle was complete . I threw the girl in the middle of the circle as I began channeling mana into the magic circle.

"~~ I summon thee whose brand has tainted this blood ~~"

It's a simple spell to 'communicate' with the owner of the brand. As I said those words. The room went dark, as above the magic circle. an unspeakable darkness and smoke appears, ah... an elder one... great...




"~~ I'm sorry the number you dialed is not available please leave a message after the beep *beep* ~~"

"~~ Listen here you tentacle bastard, I don't know which elder you are but If I see any of my people with your brand again... hohoho you better wish tha--- ~~"

"~~ The Massage limit has been reached *beep* ~~"

As soon as he said that the room immediately rewinded itself to a point where I just entered, the elder one literally reversed time, erased his own brand, and cover up all evidence that can point back to him.


The girl stared at me with fear and ... what's that other emotion that got your cheeks red?


You know what I'll pretend none of this ever happens.
