Ch-3 Brother

In the video, Jennifer saw her little brother Jasper jumping in-front of a truck.

Seeing this scene ,her heart leaped into her throat in fright as she thought the headmaster had called her to inform her about her brother's demise. However after calming down she realized that Jasper had jumped to save a child who's life was in danger and also managed to land safely.

Seeing this she was glad but she realized that when Jasper made the jump he had practically flown in air for a few seconds and there was slight glow on his legs which was a phenomenon only visible when infusing mana on certain spot in high concentration.

Seeing this she immediately understood why the headmaster had asked her such questions. Her brother had unconsciously awakened mana and was bound to be the source of competition for all the academies and this meant his life was going to be in constant danger.

For Jennifer her family were the most important people in her life and the reason she strived to become the best was to make them proud and also keep them safe from any harm. But the video just proved that her brother would not be able to live a peaceful instead he would have life that was harsher than hers. Unable to contain her feelings she could only muster shouting ,"Noooooooo".

The headmaster was not surprised by this reaction ,after all this video meant that her little brother Jasper was going to go through a lot of hardship and hell.

However the awakening of a child with innate mana in the Blue World was a very big matter and now that Jasper had awakened mana he needed the knowledge of Arcane World otherwise there was the possibility of his body going berserk.

No matter what Jasper was not going to lead an ordinary life anymore.

This would definitely not be the first time that people from the Blue World had awakened mana but it was still a rare case. The headmaster was interested in recruiting Jasper because she was impressed by the bravery shown by him although very lucky as if he had not awakened mana at that particular time then he could have been crushed with the child .

Although there was the possibility of Jennifer had shared some knowledge about magic to Jasper but it was unlikely as she had a high position in the academy and understood the implication of this act.

But this scenario was also playing in the headmaster 's favour as Jasper had a relationship with Jennifer so Jasper would be inclined to join Dragon Bright.

Jennifer collected her thoughts together and said," Is there any way to prevent Jasper coming in contact with Arcane World ? I do not want him suffer like I did."

The headmaster curtly replied," There is a possibility of that happening however this matter is already out of your hands and anything you do will not be able to change it. It can be considered his fate to come to the Arcane World."

Jennifer asks desperately," What can I do to help him? I am willing to do anything for him."

The headmaster looks at Jennifer quietly and replies," Although you cannot stop him from coming in contact with the Arcane World, you can make his journey comfortable in the Arcane World. Also I will inform the Magic Council to not send a team to bring Jasper to the Arcane World, instead you will bring him . With your reputation the Magic Council will not have any worries ."

Jennifer nods her head weakly.

The headmaster says, "Alright Jennifer Pierce ,I give you the mission to bring Jasper Pierce to the Arcane World and please do not try to jeopardize this mission as it has a lot of importance to you and the academy. Also do not forget that you are still a student of Dragon Bright so try to persuade your brother to join us. '

Jennifer looks towards the headmaster and says very weakly ,"Yes ,Mam."


Jasper somehow reached home dragging his body all the way. When his mom opened the door she was shocked to see him in such a state and immediately started fussing over him like 5 year old kid. Jasper was too tired to be embarrassed and let his mother do what she wanted .

After climbing the bed he immediately slept like a newborn baby. The next time he opened his eyes it was already morning and Jasper got up and started getting ready to go out. He was suppose to meet someone today and he would like to reach on time so he wanted to start getting ready before time.

Jasper got out of the room to see his mother serve his breakfast on the table. It seemed that his mother had understood his intentions without needing to tell them. She knew how excited and happy he also acted accordingly. Well,I guess that's a loving mother for you.

After having his breakfast while chatting with mom he left home. He got out of his society and used the familiar roads he had been using for the last 10 years to finally reach the the Kai's Fighting dojo.

The dojo had a simple entrance with a waterfall pattern design. The only indication that it was a dojo was the board that was rundown and old. Looking at the entrance Jasper was reminded of how he come to know of its existence.

It was on a rainy day about 1 month after his sister Jennifer had left home and him for further studies abroad. For Jasper his sister was closer than any friend or person he had met in his life and he believed that he would probably not be able to live without her. Due to her suddenly leaving Jasper felt lost ,sad, indignant and anger from inside. It was very hard for him to cope with his sister leaving.

This matter had of course not gone unnoticed by his mother who saw Jasper's behaviour worsen every day for the last 1 month. Jasper had become very moody getting angry on most occasion or not coming out of his room to eat his meals, he was not able to concentrate on his studies or anything for that matter also he had started sleeping more hours than usual. His mother realized that Jasper was entering a state of depression and worried about his mental and physical health she decided to decided to send him for outside chores.

It had been a week since Jasper started doing chores for his mother like bringing fruits and vegetables or buying something from the supermarket. Jasper's mental state had improved compared to last week but that was all. He was still very close to entering a state of depression

On a rainy day when he had completed his chores buying some fruits and vegetables and returning back home he took a wrong turn and ended up in an unknown locality. Jasper had never been to this place so he was not able to find his way out of the locality.

It was during his search for a way home when two ruffians caught sight of him. It was expected that Jasper would be in danger if any shady person caught sight of him. After all he was child of 8 years old roaming these dangerous streets where many ruffians called home. The ruffians realized that kidnapping Jasper was a easy way to earn money and hatched a plan to the following.

After some time one of the ruffians appeared before Jasper who had been busy in his search for a way home. Seeing a adult near him Jasper rushed towards him," Good Sir, where may I find my way to the main road?"

The man(ruffian 1) seemed startled by Jasper appearance and after a pause of few seconds answered," Uhm, Take a right, then left, then walk forward for some time and take the third left and go straight, you will reach the main road."

Although Jasper was only able to understand half of what the stranger told him he believed that he could find someone else to tell him about the direction when he gets lost again. For now he was thankful to the stranger for helping him. He was about to thank him when suddenly a hand appeared from behind Jasper covering his mouth and the other hand holding him in place.

It turned out that it was a ploy for distraction when ruffian 1 gave directions to Jasper. They planned beforehand that ruffian 1 would distract Jasper while ruffian 2 would creep up from behind him and subdue him . This ploy worked masterful as their target had always been an easy one-A 8 year old child.

Jasper instinctively tried to resist the forceful action of ruffian 1 when he saw the stranger that had just helped him walking menacingly towards him. It was then that Jasper realized that the two ruffians were trying to kidnap him. Jasper did not want something like this to happen and the only this going through his mind was 'Escape'. He started moving uncontrollably under the ruffians hold which helped him land a serious blow near his legs thus loosening his grip on Jasper.

Although the ruffians grip had loosened a little it was not enough for Jasper to attempt an escape so he did what he could at the moment shouting at the top of his lungs for help in the hopes that someone willing to help would hear it. After Jasper's last attempt on appealing for help ruffian 2 arrived and started choking him.

Just when Jasper was starting to lose his consciousness due to the continuous choking he heard faint sounds of fighting around him. Jasper even thought that he had seen the silhouette of a person coming to his rescue but that was probably his own delusion because of his desire for a rescue before he lost his consciousness.