Ch-12 The Masked Person vs Jasper(1)

Jasper realized that this gauntlet and the shield were a set item with identical cool blue color and odd designs. But he remembered the masked person rule about him being allowed to use only one weapon during the battle. Just when Jasper was about to return the gauntlets back to the wall...

"Wait, do not return the gauntlets. I did not specify it because it has a very rare chance of occurring but the choosing of a weapon is like a lottery box and depending on your luck you may or may not get an advantage from the weapon selection.

Depending on your luck you might get an advantage attached to the weapon select. For example, it can have another weapon attached to it same as your case, it can have two other weapon attached to it. There is also a chance to get a weapon with the skill of hitting your target with 100% probability. Most of the times you will not get any advantages, and many other combination."

Jasper was pleasantly surprised to know about his advantage and quickly equips the gauntlets," Why are you willing to give me such a big advantage for the duel when you are planning to absolutely crush me? You could have looked the other way and stopped me from gaining this advantage"

"Of course, to make it more interesting. The odds of the advantage one gets by choosing a particular weapon and the corresponding change it can have to a battle makes it even more interesting for the audience and beside no matter what advantages you get i am sur that there is no way I am going to lose to someone like you."

Jasper did not rebuke the masked person's words and thought to himself

'The the masked person is very arrogant at this moment because he does not see me as his opponent at all. It is underestimating me which is good for my situation but the the masked persons arrogance is also justifiable because I am knew to this World of Magic and have never even practiced magic.

On the other hand the the masked person must have practiced magic for sometime and practicing it obviously helped him improve the state of his physical body.(Jasper was able to deduce this fact after seeing the changes magic had on his sister.)

However if the the masked person thought that it has already won the battle then I have to give him a rude awakening. I have been practicing for some time now and my physical abilities have already reached the peak of normal humans. Perhaps this duel could help me improve my stagnant physical abilities. There is no way I am going to quit so I will follow what my master always say," The first step for winning is to never give up".'


Another room somewhere in Vestalis

Jennifer was teleported to an unknown room after being separated from Jasper but instead of panicking and being confusion her expression was calm and steady as if she was not surprised. Her steadiness in a unfavourable situation was gained after completing multiple impossible missions.

The room was dimly lit with the smell of incense lingering in the air. So the walls were not clearly visible but there seemed to be bookshelves scattered everywhere.

Other than bookshelves there were also a couple of chairs and a work table and chair in which a man was sitting.



Jennifer had just taken her seat on the other available chair when a few strands of wood popped out of Jennifer's chair and started binding her from chest to toe. The binding covered her whole body passing through places it shouldn't have making Jennifer embarrassed also the trap set on the chair was completely unexpected and she was not prepared and unable counterattack it.

Her expression becomes ugly as she angrily curses at Norman," What is the meaning behind this??!"

Norman chuckles lightly," What do you think? Of course I am binding you so that you would not move around."

Jennifer already had an inkling of what Norman's action meant but she was not able to accept the fact that something like this was occurring. Norman was one of the trusted aides of the Principal and was also a very respected professor in Dragon Rainbow and the thought of him always being a spy was terrifying.

"Why would you do something like this? Look if this is your way of some weird joke than it has gone too far and lets us end the joke here."

"Jennifer, oh Jennifer I am sure that you already have an idea of what I am about to do but just in case let me clarify that this is not a joke and I am planning to betray the Dragon Rainbow Kingdom."

Jennifer's expression sank after hearing Norman's confirmation but she still could not believe something like this was happening.

"Why would you even betray us, if it is for more money, power or position I am sure that our Dragon Rainbow can provide them to you and I might add that Dragon compassionate would probably offer more than any other kingdom."

"You don't need to tell me. I am the one who was running Dragon Rainbow Academy and it is not of your concern for whatever reason I would betray Dragon Rainbow but the fact is I ham already a traitor."

Jennifer stays quit for a few moment before committing to herself ,"Fine if you want things to play like this then I will fight you with all my might and definitely kill you."

Wow, she is one tough and crazy chick to be willing to fight her own professor and fighting the prodigy of the Dragon Rainbow would not be an easy ordeal so I should avoid that. In that case

"Have you forgotten about the cadet you brought with you his life is at the palm of my hands ,I could kill him whenever I want."

These word made Jennifer's action still and her eyes turned murderously cold, "If you ever dare to do that then remember that I will follow you to the depths of hell if I have to but I will definitely kill you and I will also make sure that there will be no one left to even remember you after you are gone."

Arnard Norman was a very calm and composed man. All the people who knew him had never once seen him lose his calm disposition no matter the circumstances he is put in. It was the same when he betrayed the Dragon Rainbow Academy .

But today his calm disposition was disturbed because he was reminded of a dangerous trapped beast he had once hunted while seeing Jennifer's expression and that beast had almost managed to send him to his grave. He trusted his own instincts a lot so he understood the danger he might be in.

However he was not young anymore and had gained a lot of experience so luckily he did not lose his calm disposition on appearance although he was feeling differently from inside.

"Your reaction is a little surprising as he is only a stranger you have met recently and has nothing to do with you but that's just like you Jennifer always kind and compassionate. Even to strangers i guess"

Jennifer realized that Norman still did not know about her relationship with Jasper and immediately decided to make sure it would stay like that otherwise he would have to much leverage over her and she would be distraught if something happened to Jasper.

Norman clicks a button on his table and the curtain on the right of Jennifer parts open to project a hologram which shows the sight of Jasper getting ready for his battle with the masked person.

"This duel seems to be like a trial for a cadet."

"That's because it is a trial for the cadet and I am even willing to leave him alive if he is able to last for five minutes."

Jennifer replies sarcastically," That is generous of you."

"Indeed it is generous of me but I doubt it will ever happen."

It was at this moment that Jennifer got a closer look at the masked person's mask and exterior features.

"It couldn't be..."

"Haha , but it is and he is going to crush that pesky little cadet."

Jennifer does not reply back this time while thinks to herself," I am sorry Jasper for what is about to come next."


The duel finally begins with the masked person charging towards Jasper and gaining momentum for his first strike. Looking at the masked person's action Jasper makes an immediate decision to dodge the attack at the right moment because running away from his position or trying to dodge before he arrives would prove to be useless when his opponents was faster than him. The masked person would just keep following him and it would tire out Jasper before it.

When the masked person was about 7 meters away from Jasper, he decided to dodge towards his right. However just after he had taken two steps to the right and a ball of fire that had enough intensity and heat to burn Jasper to a crisp came hurtling towards him. Unable to take another step forwards he was forced backwards by two steps ending up back where he had been before.

With the failure of his first plan Jasper started implementing his next plan. Just as he was about to move move to his left he saw the scene of the masked person jumping high up in air rising and heading for a straight collision with him.

The sight of the masked person rising was similar to a wolf jumping from one mountain peak to another it was regal ,incredible and beautiful along with scary and intimidating. Luckily Jasper was not petrified at the spot.

Although there was no denying the fact that Jasper had never fought with his life on the line it would be wrong to say that he did not have any fighting experience. In fact for the last 10 years Jasper had been fighting constantly and practically everyday.