Ch-16 Arnard Norman

Jennifer notices Jaspers dilemma and smiles weakly as she begins ," We walked into a trap setup by very someone close to me. I don't know their reason for betraying the Dragon Rainbow Academy but it pains me to acknowledge that they would be my enemy from this point onwards. I regret never asking them about their feelings and perhaps there was something I could have done to prevented them from betraying."

Jasper was quick to realize after hearing Jennifer's honest thoughts about someone dictating The Masked Person actions probably the mastermind behind his battle with The Masked Person. Also, while Jasper was battling with The Masked Person, the mastermind had Jennifer occupied.

Looking at Jennifer's pained expression he came to the conclusion that the mastermind held a lot of significance in Jennifer's life and The Masked Person was definitely related to the mastermind.

"Do you also know anything about The Masked Person I fought earlier?"

"No, its true identity is a mystery to me as much as it is to you which is surprising considering that I have a high clearance level ,I will have to look up on it when I reach the academy.

But I know for sure that he is Norman's disciple . Also may have heard rumors about a wolf wearing masked person which is probably The Masked Person you fought earlier."

Jaspers expression turned into eagerness as he urged Jennifer," Could you elaborate the rumors you have heard."

"Sure. There was one rumor that stated that The Masked Person was a battle maniac who fought anyone anywhere.

The other rumor stated that he was trying to make a name for himself by defeating all the strong fighters it met.

The last rumor said that the wolf wearing masked freak was only 14 years old."

Jasper was surprised to hear that The Masked Person was only 14 years old but then remembered that these were only simple rumors that were which more likely to be false facts.

He didn't believe that The Masked Person was 14 years old so he dismissed the rumor as false. Jasper felt that the other two rumors were feasible and believed that they had an equal chance of being the truth or false. But this in the end made Jasper wonder the reason The Masked Person had battled with him.

Was it for fame, fortune, fun or some deep reason that Jasper didn't think about. The Masked Person pained expression at the end of their battle also confused him.

Jasper realized that by knowing more about the person the mastermind, he might be able to figure out The Masked Person identity.

Jasper clearly knew that this was a sensitive topic for Jennifer at the moment but he believed that he was very close to the truth hidden from him and Jennifer's explanation was the only knowledge that could help him reach it.

"Jennifer, I am sorry for springing this up on you but could you tell me more about the person who betrayed you. It's very important for me to know more about him."

Jennifer's expression was conflicted as she didn't understand why Jasper wanted such knowledge but she decided to comply with his request,"

Arnard Norman is a top-tier teacher known to be one of the best in his profession with his reputation spread all across the Arcane World. He has trained talented and peerless fighters some being ' The Water Enchantress', 'Earth King', 'Fire Sovereign'

His greatest accomplishment was being one of the founding members of the Dragon Rainbow Academy and later on holding the position of the vice-head of Dragon Rainbow Academy ."

Jasper was again surprised that someone with such an impressive lineup and power would actually decide to betray his own institution. So he tried to figure out the reason behind Norman's betrayal thinking that it would help him figure out the The Masked Persons identity.

Alas, he couldn't come up with any reason Norman would want to leave behind such a luxurious and peaceful life after doing all the hard work to obtain it.

Jasper was a little disappointed because of his inability to see through Norman's schemes or rather his reason for betraying but that was to be expected. Norman had lived for a very long time and was very experienced instead he would be embarrassed if Jasper could see through his actions.

However, Jasper disappointment disappeared when he arrived at the conclusion that The Masked Person was closely related to Norman and then it was obvious that The Masked Person was also a student in the Dragon Rainbow Academy.

"I believe The Masked Person is a student in the Dragon Rainbow Academy ,if I attend the same academy then I have more chances of meeting it. " Jasper didn't realize it but he had an expression of eagerness as if he could not wait to meet The Masked Person again .

Jennifer was immediate to recognize Jasper's state of mind and started reprimanding him," You are going to the academy to study not spy on someone. I urge you to take the academy seriously because every experience and day spent there is going to become one of the most important events in your entire life. I don't want you to waste your academy life obsessing over an unknown and mysterious person."

"No, no I am not obsessing over anyone but The Masked Person. But he is Norman's disciple so it would be prudent for me to observe its actions and make sure that he does not harm the academy "

Jennifer stares at Jasper for a few moments as if to tell him through her eyes that she could see through his white lies," Hmm, if you say so. "

Jasper started feeling awkward and decide to change the topic," Of course. Anyway tell me about your close friends in the Arcane World."

"Well, Emma, Jonathan, Nicole ..."


They talked for a long time about a lot of things before they decided to sleep. Jasper wakes up early the next morning following Jennifer's suggestion.

Just before he went to bed Jennifer informed him of her plan to start the day early wanting to take him somewhere. She didn't specify where they were going since he probably wouldn't know the place even if she told him but he understood that they were going somewhere the next morning.

After taking a refreshing bath in a hotel comparable to the best hotels of Blue World Jasper was on cloud9 and had a felt that he had achieved nirvana*. When he opened his wardrobe to change his clothes he was surprised to find all of his clothes neatly folded .It seemed that Jennifer had planned and taken every need of Jasper into consideration before deciding to kidnap him.

Jasper wore appropriate clothes with a red shirt and jean pant before heading out of his room.

Jennifer was waiting for him wearing a yellow floral dress that seemed to show of her cute side. The design of her clothing seemed to be a fusion of modern and traditional style. The modern style originated from the Blue World while Jasper guessed the traditional to originate from the Arcane World.

Previously, Jasper had a awkward thought that he was going to stand out because of his odd clothes which were from the Blue World but know he knew that Blue World clothing was not odd in Vestalis City.

However now he realized that he was going to become the public enemy for standing next to a gorgeous beauty like Jennifer.

Jasper and Jennifer leave the hotel and begin their ride to the unknown location Jennifer wanted to go. They board the V-6 hovercar Jasper previously travelled in to the Bank of Vestalis. On their way to the unknown location Jasper noticed that the road system of Vestalis was different form the Blue World.

The traffic system installed in Vestalis was much more advanced than Blue World which might be a result of the Arcane World being more technologically advanced than the Blue World.

This helped the drivers because the average speed of a vehicle in the Arcane World was much higher than that of the Blue World. This speed differences was mainly because the people of Vestalis drove in hovercars which floated in air instead of the normal vehicles drove in the Blue World.

Due to all these reasons, the Vestalis city could establish a traffic system where the road that had more vehicles was given priority wherever a traffic signal was installed.

This meant that in a junction if on the forward direction there were 6 cars while on the backward direction there were 2 cars and on the right direction there was only 1 car with the left direction being completely empty.

Then the traffic signal would first leave the forward direction then the backward direction and at last the right direction.

A similar logic was applied when crossing a road with a traffic signal present. Only after a certain number of people had gathered would the traffic signal allow them to pass stopping the cars from moving.

These rules looked fragile and should have been easy to break but due to the advanced technology of the Arcane World the cameras present in a traffic signal were very powerful and caught everything happening around it. Along with the harsh penalties placed on breaking any traffic rules people would rather wait than risk getting penalized.

However there were exceptions to this rule such as the car Jasper was sitting in at the moment. The V-6 model Jennifer was driving had a VIP sticker on it which allowed her to drive through the city without needing to care about the traffic signals.

This meant that whenever Jennifer's car passed through a traffic signal without ever needing to stop. This was always held true unless there was an emergency or someone with higher authority than Jennifer appeared on the road.

Due to the high speed of the car and the road freeing up for them they travelled a distance of 30 km(near 18-19 miles) in only 15 minutes.