Ch-27 Life is Tough!!!

Jasper spotted something flashing ahead of him immediately attracting his attention. He rushed towards it and reached a clearing where he found a silver-colored plant about 100 meters away from him.

Upon closer look, Jasper realized it was actually a silver-colored ginseng plant. He could tell it by a single glance due to the resemblance it had in structure and shape of roots with the ginseng's he had come across in Blue World.

Jasper had come across ginseng's prior but this was his first time seeing a silver-colored ginseng. Looking at it made him suddenly recall a piece of information from an ancient book.

Jasper did not believe it when his master boasted to him about his library containing many secrets of the world, forgotten by the world.

He wanted to know why his master valued all the old and ancient book, so rummaged through them. Most of the books were written in a language Jasper couldn't understand, so he was able to read only a handful.

One of these ancient books, recorded about a magical silver-colored ginseng plant having magical property of curing injuries 10 times faster than the normal recovery time.

Jasper was not sure if the information recorded in the ancient book was true or if even this was the same herb the book was referring to, but if it turned out to be true then it would improve Jennifer's condition greatly. It was a must for him to obtain this herb.

Jasper was about to rush for the silver-colored ginseng when he heard trumpet calls and cries. He looked at the source of the commotion which made him frozen stiff out of fear and petrification.

Jasper was able to come back to his senses only because he had the lynx with him. It realized Jasper's condition as he was greatly affected by the battle, so it tried to grab his attention.

It worked and Jasper regained some of his senses as he immediately caught the lynx by the scuff and found an inconspicuous spot to hid.

The land quaked, trees swung and the sky cried as two predators of the EverAwake Jungle had a faceoff - The Obsidian Rhino vs Inviable Goose.

The Obsidian Rhino controlled the ground while the Inviable Goose used the sky as an Emperor of the Sky. The reason for their quarrel was unknown but a earth-shaking battle between them was inevitable.

The Rhino attacked with an onslaught of rocks that weight about a ton or more, by tuning the land in small ball shapes and throwing it at the Inviable Goose with mana.

The terrifying strength behind every stamp of its legs had enough momentum to send the rocks flying as projectiles up in the sky becoming a threat for the Inviable Goose, who was forced to dodge these attacks.

However, this attack was nothing for the Inviable Goose, who used its superior and absurd speed to easily dodge all the projectiles. Not even a single rock managed to strike it, showing its strong ability in dodging. It even used its speed to deal a few pecks at the Obsidian Rhino.

These pecks were not ordinary by any means as they burrowed deeply into the Obsidian Rhino making numerous holes in its formidable body. It grunted in slight pain but counterattacked the Inviable Goose by swatting it with its whole body strength.

The Inviable Goose was thrown some distance away from the Obsidian Rhino who used this short interval to conduct its next attack.

The Obsidian Rhino started hitting the ground with its paws, creating an intense shockwave that affected the Inviable Goose and Jasper.

The Goose should have been dazed after this attack and make it lose a lot if its strength from the shockwave it created. However, the Inviable Goose unleashed its own shockwave using its mana to neutralize the fearsome attack.

As the battle proceeded, Jasper had been hiding and watching the battle from afar while the little lynx was sound a sleep on his shoulders. It was a wonder how anyone could fall asleep in such a precarious surrounding but it woke up due to shockwave released by the Obsidian Rhino and the Inviable Goose as his ears started ringing so loud that it resisted the urge to cry out loud.


Jasper wanted to escape from his current location but the battle was too scaring and the range of the battlefield kept increasing. It was a very likely for him to be caught in the aftermath of the battle and lose his life.

Both the beasts were greatly affected but they continued but they were able to recover and started fighting again. The Inviable Goose flapped its durable and heavy wings at a very high speed creating sonic booms that cut through the Rhino's skin making it bleed in many places and injuring it greatly.

Both the beasts continued fighting, The Inviable Goose used it speed and the Rhino used its defense and control over the ground to swat it away.

Their battle continued until a drastic change occurred and a another apex predator, a beast in a higher rank than them in the food chain, Golden Tiger entered the fight.

It suddenly came and pounced on the Goose gulping it in one go and in the same motion swiped the rhino at the neck, making it loose blood and also killing it at the spot.

It might seem that the Golden tiger had taken some time to deal with the two powerful beasts but for Jasper it was over in an instant. The Tiger pounced and the next thing he knew both the strong beast were lying lifelessly on the ground.

Jasper was even more terrified and started questioning the purpose of techniques. They were only useful against someone opponents with similar ,not when facing absolute strength. He was vulnerable and if the Golden Tiger found him then he was dead.

Luckily the tiger never became aware of his presence and left with the silver colored ginseng plant.

Long after the Tiger left did Jasper find the strength to stand up and return back to the Paradise Spring with the lynx.


It was a normal day for the Golden Tiger, he had been prowling and found two pesky beasts fighting for what belonged to him. It of course killed the two insolent beasts that dare disrespect and tried to steal.

On its way to the den and his family, it happened. A man blocked his path.

The Golden Tiger had eaten a lot of humans and developed a taste for these crunchy and crispy meals. It was beyond joy finding one here and attacked the man with a smile that was similar to a child who had found his lost toy.

The man was not afraid and instead invited the man to attack. The tiger attacked with a lot of strength exerted by its front paw. The strength used was scary and would have flattened Jennifer or Jasper but the man simply blocked the strike with his bare hands.

"Beast, how weak are you?"

The Golden Tiger seemed intelligent enough to understand the man said and growled back in anger.

"Getting angry is not going to help you. With your strength it will take you more than a century to reach my current strength but that does not matter."

The man charged at the tiger with great momentum and punched out at it. The tiger sensed the danger in the man's move and instinctively activated its golden body forming an invulnerable armor, but this did not stand any chance against the man's punch as it crumbled like paper.

The Golden Tiger could not sustain the man's strength behind the strike and immediately died.

"Beast, you have good instincts but everything is useless in the face of absolute strength. "

The man though to himself ' Oh, I am little hungry and thirsty. Lets find a good place to setup a camp. '