Ch-41 Julian's Past (3)

The thought of receiving the technique and obtaining unparalleled strength kept him going through the tough years. He figured by observation that his capacity to store mana was abnormal when compared with the people of Arcane World's capacity to store mana, the difference was so stark that it wouldn't be wrong to call his mana reserve unlimited. If he was able to use this mana in tandem with a weapon, then he would be an unrivaled killing machine.

Once acquiring the technique, Julian practiced it daily becoming good at using it, however this was when he came across a major problem which threatened to waste all his years of sacrifice and suffering.

Healing magic was so unsuited for attacking that when Julian tried attacking anyone with infused mana, he would end up heal his opponents wounds instead damaging him. Every time he attacked the enemy with healing magic infused in the weapon, he would end up healing them.

Disappointment coursed through him as he realized his dream would never come true. This just further punctuated the impossibility for ever truly become strong enough to rival the greatest warriors of Arcane World and his dream of finding a new path of development for Healing Mage's.

It took him sometime to come to terms with to accept this cruel fact. Julian's purpose of living had been crushed and it stung like the poisonous bite of a scorpio as he was engulfed in sorrow and immense pain.

Still, this was not enough to keep Julian down, his life's experience would not let him stay do that. He started leading his life with a new purpose and a new vigor which was not present before. He wanted to enjoy his life to the fullest and keep increasing his strength.

It was not easy for Julian to come to this decision with the years he had spent on fulling his dreams but he also knew it was time to let go of it.

With a new outlook on life ,Julian calmly increased his strength and rose through the ranks of Wolf Fang Gang or the right term to describe would be shot up, this was how members of the Wolf Fang Gang thought about Julian.


Julian experienced even more hardship, this time in the form of gang and territory wars fought by the fighting gang. Due to his calm and approachable personality, many members started asking him for advise and soon he became was given the moniker of saviour for saving countless people from certain death.

On one occasion, a rival gang suddenly attacked Wolf Fang Gang, catching them completely of guard. The Gang members counter attacked but the MVP of this Gang War was Julian who dealt with most of the enemies.

People of the town started praying for his well being because unlike the other members of Wolf Fang Gang, Julian respected the town's folk. There was also the small clinic he ran in his his free time. This earned him a good reputation among them.

Julian's intention towards them did not change during this Gang Battle, as he gave priority to the safety of the town's folk, saving them from dangerous situation.

These action gained him even more of their support which influenced them to join the gang, bringing an influx of new members and expanding it very quickly.

The other top brass members were happy with Wolf Fang Gang's rapid development but they couldn't sit idle as Julian's popularity continued to increase. The sole reason new recruits wanted to join the gang was to follow Julian. As more Julian supporters joined the Gang, his influence would keep getting larger and it wouldn't be long before he was out of their control.

The events occurred in the Gang War rattled them as they witnessed the insane improvement Julian showed in such short time. They were scared of his talent and the possibility of him becoming stronger than him. would surpass them soon.

Years of staying with the Gang transformed Julian to a cunning and calculated person . At the appropriate time, Julian attacked the top brass members of the Wolf Fang Gang dealing with them in one spell swoop , becoming the head of the now well known mega cooperation 'Healathos Inc .'

Julian made plans of becoming the head of Wolf Fang Gang from the moment he realized the unlikeliness of his dream to ever come true . He had wanted to use the connection of the Gang to get useful information about the happenings in Arcane World. The best way to accomplish this was by opening a cooperation slowly spreading its influence through Arcane World.

Julian had come to terms with never being able to see his wish come true, but it was more than a dream for him, it was the reason he excited from the moment he left Hidden Village. How could he ever give up on it. As the cooperation ' Healathos Inc ' expanded its connection, new information was passed on in fast succession.

Years passed with Healathos Inc expanding day by day under the management of Julian's trusted aides expert guidance who collected information pertaining important incidents and delivered it to him.

Julian as was his routine read through the reports when he came across one which interested him. Someone unnaturally powerful attacked the Royal Capital, it was common for the Royal Capital to be attacked because of the grudges people had against them.

But this incident made those other attempted attacks seem insignificant as the powerful attacker destroyed 1/4th of Royal Capital before he was dealt with. That was 25% of the most important place in Arcane World.

Not the attacker or current condition of Royal Capital interested Julian but the Cursed Energy the attacker possessed. From the details of the battle, the attacker used another type of energy made from the curses in the World.

Julian ordered for immediate investigation on Cursed Energy and the results excited him bringing hope to the hopeless life he had been leading. It was his destiny to find a way another path of development for the Healing Mages. After straying away from his destiny for a long time, life had began become hopeless for him. He shaved away years of his life just living through the days, not accomplishing anything noticeable.

The investigation reported about the Cursed Energy being another type of energy made up of curses. This was all the information Julian could gather from his connections. This was not enough when he wanted to obtain it for himself and be able to wield it in a battle. If he found out the places Cursed Magic were present and the deeper reasoning behind the existence of Cursed Energy he might be able to obtain it.

Julian was not going to find his answers just by sitting in a closed room, he had to search for it personally. He set out on a journey leaving Healatos to his trusted aides in search of the mysterious Cursed Energy, his one and only hope, his salvation.

The journey to obtain Cursed Energy was filled with endless hardship, treason and mighty beasts until he obtained the 'Mace of Poison'.

During these travels he often helped weak people and those in need, coupled with his immense strength, his reputation spread wide and far across Arcane World becoming a figure to be looked up to.

This was how Julian' s misery, longing and want for a way to achieve his destiny was fulfilled finally obtaining ' Mace of Poison'. It was the reason he was so absurdly powerful.


Julian finished recounting his life which was filled with wonder, sorrow and anger. As the story progressed he chewed down enough food to rival a Panda slurping down food in seconds and then eating the next bowl. In a similar manner, Jasper also wolfed down the food, finishing bowls in seconds then onto the next one but this didn't effect his concentration on the story .

The game they were eating had been hunted and cooked by Jasper. He was in dire need of energy after cultivating for a long time. Although there was no body movement involved in cultivation, the soul and mental energy was highly expended making the cultivator weak.

It was possible to avoid this weak state but Jasper was just starting his cultivation life so it was an inevitable state. Meditation also used up a lot of energy, so he was no stranger to large appetites, it was normal for him.

" Now I regret my words. I talked without knowing the real truth. Sir, struggled a lot to be in the position he now is in. It is all because of his efforts, not because everything was spoon-sped. "

" Good. So, take my advice seriously and I am sure that your efforts will come to fruition. "

" Yes Sir"

" Alright, its getting late. You should have a big rest after the tiring day you have had but before that I have to reveal another important information. Something came up which needs immediate attention. I have to reach there as soon as possible. I didn't want to leave you so abrupy but I am left with no other choice.

However, do not worry for I will leave a small present which will help in your travel. Also, I won't be gone for too long.

Its important for you to keep moving in the forward direction no matter how much tempting the other direction appear because it is the safest route of all the other routes. Taking any other direction could lead you right into the den of a powerful beast or any other unfortunate situation.

I would have liked to leave give you a map, but this is an unexplored area. I just hope my presents helps you a little. It would be a shame for the first contender to become my student die pathetically.

Best of luck. Don't worry I won't take long just manage to survive until then. "
