Ch-55 Joy and Laughter

"Father's intentions are unclear, and trying to understand is a futile endeavour. It's challenging to decipher his thoughts, but for now, let's focus on the present."

"True, our first priority is tracking down the Wolf Pack. Do you have any information about them?"

"Unfortunately, no. It's been five years since I've been here, so I'm unaware of the recent developments in Nether Ashes."

"I do."

A childlike voice echoed in the room, followed by a 'Meah' sound as the Lynx gracefully leapt through the distance, settling beside Jasper. He didn't flinch at the sudden touch; instead, he welcomed the soothing sensation after enduring a world of pain.

Jasper greeted Rihan with a smile, while Rhea avoided eye contact with him. He realized she wasn't yet ready to face the consequences of her actions. "Could you tell me about the Wolf King that has been troubling Nether Ashes?"

"Yes, of course, but I have a condition for sharing this information."

"Very well. What is your condition?"

"You must include me in all of your plans. I want to be an integral part of your efforts, as I have the strength to help make your plans a reality."

"No, you will not be involved. I am firmly against it, and Father would never allow it."

"Just don't inform Father, and everything will be fine."

"I can't agree to that."

"I am my own person. I can make my own decisions, so it doesn't matter whether you agree or not. Your opinions, or anyone else's, ceased to matter to me long ago. I am asking Jasper if he wants the information. In exchange, you must include me in all your plans. If you decline, I will leave."

Jasper had lived in the Blue World, where self-development was highly valued. He knew from experience that everyone had to become independent and venture into new experiences to grow as a better version of themselves. At this moment, young Rihan was shedding the cowardice that had burdened him for most of his life, and he was willing to make sacrifices to become a better person. He wished not to be a burden to anyone.

"I accept."

Rihan was overjoyed, "Thank you. I won't let you down. The Lunar Wolf King and its pack began troubling Nether Ashes about six months ago. They are a bloodthirsty, man-eating bunch and attack only at night. Each time they strike, many villagers are killed. It's a tragedy, and the Nether Ashes Guards have been trying to eliminate them, but predicting their next attack location has been impossible, and their swift hunting makes it challenging to hunt them down, especially their cunning leader."

"That's unfortunate to hear, but have you managed to eliminate some of these wolves?"

"Yes, but it seems to have provoked the pack, as the frequency of attacks has been increasing rapidly. If this continues, Nether Ashes may face a resource shortage."

"Do you have any insights into the attack patterns of the Lunar Wolf King and its clan?"

"It might be best to consult someone who has already faced them. They can provide better guidance."

"Great. Let's plan to meet with them."

"Wait, where do you think you're going? It's only been a day since you bled profusely, and less than a week since you narrowly escaped death. I can't imagine the pain you must be enduring right now. You are not leaving until you are fully recovered."

"Don't worry. My body has endured worse conditions in the past. I can handle it."

Rhea wore an expression that seemed to say, 'You must be kidding,' but Jasper explained, "It was the way my Master trained me from the beginning. He is kind and gentle, but during training, he pushed his disciples to their limits."

"You poor soul, what you must have gone through."

"I can't complain, as it's what I chose. Alright, let's meet this person tomorrow when the sun rises."

For the first time in years, the siblings' night was filled with joy and laughter. They even wished the sun would never rise and that this happiness could last forever. However, the rising sun was a natural phenomenon beyond their control.

Early the next morning, the three of them headed to the Captain of Nether Ashes Soldiers, responsible for the village's protection.

Rihan knocked on the door three times before a man, around forty years old, opened it. The man's bloodshot eyes hinted at several sleepless nights, but he still exuded the aura of a battle-hardened warrior. His unruly hair and dishevelled clothing spoke of his turmoil.

The condition of his house further revealed his state of mind. It was cluttered with garbage, making it nearly impossible to walk through, and the pervasive stench of alcohol filled the air.

"I apologize for the state of my house. Please give me a moment to tidy up."

"Wait, Sir. Let us help you. We came here for our own reasons and disrupted you, so it's only fair that we assist you. In return, you can aid us with what we seek."

"No, there's no need for that. Just let me..."

"Sir, I insist."

"Very well."

The three of them, along with the disheartened man, cleared up the house and found a place to sit.

"I recognize Rihan, the Chieftain's son. He's a good young man who assists Nether Ashes in every way he can. I'm grateful for your help. It makes me wonder why I wasted my youth playing."

He paused for a moment and turned to Rhea. "You've grown since I last saw you, but I still recognize Rhea, the Chieftain's elder child. You left Nether Ashes abruptly five years ago, and there has been no news of you since. It's not my place to inquire further."

Then, he looked at Jasper. "My colleague informed me about a visitor coming to Nether Ashes. As the Captain of Nether Ashes Soldiers, I should have been the one to welcome you."

Finally, he glanced at the Lynx. "And you, your pet, have been the recent topic of conversation in the village."

The Lynx seemed affronted and growled back, "Meah."

"So, for what reason have you come to my house?"

Jasper made eye contact with the Captain. "Rihan mentioned that you've fought against the Lunar Wolf King and its Clan. I would like to know the details of your encounter with it."

"No," the Captain exclaimed, displaying signs of mental instability before regaining his composure.

"Please, we must have every piece of information about the Lunar Wolf King; it could mean the difference between life and death."

"That's precisely why I don't want to tell you. I don't want the three of you to throw your lives away. My entire squad was wiped out, and I won't allow you children to face certain death."

"Sir, with all due respect, I don't care what you think of us. But this won't deter us from hunting the Lunar Wolf King. Much is at stake, and we won't stop until we either succeed or die trying."

Jasper got up, and the siblings followed suit, leaving the Captain's house. The Captain appeared lost for a moment before snapping back to reality. "Wait."

"If your determination is that strong, I will tell you. However, you must agree to my condition."

"What is your condition?"

"I will provide you with training, and until I deem you ready, you will continue training with me."

Jasper looked at Rihan and Rhea before agreeing, "Very well, we accept your condition."

"Then sit down and prepare yourselves, because this is information no child should ever have to hear."