Chapter 16

When the heart and brain are difficult to work together at that time a problem will arise, the brain tries hard to always think about it but the heart will remain clean and hard to reject all those thoughts.

Can't blame yourself if the shadow of a very beautiful past is now clearly depicted in the present. The face was very similar to the past but not to affection for the new person. Tightness in the chest often attacks when you see him. Why can't the brain and heart just work together? Why do you keep torturing yourself like this?

Is this the will of the past so that this self does not feel love again? What is the form of his attention so as not to be hurt when he loses someone for the second time? I am already very tired, I don't know what other problems will come. Now I feel like my mental self is not right, please hope this all ends quickly.

Jefran and Rara are busy looking for Y flowers. The atmosphere between them is so calm and peaceful, there are occasional light topics that they talk about so they won't be too quiet while traveling.

"Jef, Rara was really surprised when she found out that Jefran was in the same class as Lidya." Rara said.

Jefran who was focused on walking turned to Rara.

"That's right from there, so how come you know Lidya?" Jefran asked curiously.

"The Wardana is dating his friend Lidya, if I'm not mistaken Alfius." replied Lara.

Jefran was immediately shocked and stopped suddenly, he thought Alfius was quiet and didn't act much but in fact he already had a girlfriend.

"Hey, you're right, Alfius is very quiet in class. Then we offered him to be close to a girl and he was rejected. We were in the same class and thought he likes guys because he doesn't want to be close to girls. When we heard this news from you, Ra , Jeff is so happy. Hehehe." Jefran said at length.

It turns out that the classmate's accusation is wrong, the proof is that Alfius already has a girlfriend.

"Rara is also surprised that Wardana can have a boyfriend. He's also kind of like Alfius, he was told to find a girlfriend instead he wanted to be alone first. Uh, suddenly there's already a couple." Rara replied that she didn't want to lose.

"Like you too, Ra, suddenly there is already a trailer." Jefran teased with a smile.

Rara pretended to put on a confused face.

"Hold me? Does Rara have one?" Asked Rara who was trying Jefran's patience.

He was still trying to hold back his laughter when he saw Jefran's face which suddenly turned into a frown.

"Well, if I'm not considered, I'll go first. If you want to follow the road from behind, then." Answered Jefran who started to sulk.

It was the first time that Rara had seen Jefran sulk and she felt exasperated with Jefran. He looks very cute and adorable when he is angry, Rara immediately ran after Jefran and hugged him from behind.

"I'm just kidding, Jef, how could I forget you. It won't happen, it won't happen. Even if it did, I wouldn't want to either." Rara said with a smile.

Jefran immediately turned around and held Rara's hand.

"You like that, don't I, I almost cried. Don't do that again, honey." Jeff replied.

They both resumed their journey with the main goal.

While on a different route, Beby and Satria were busy avoiding the heat and mosquitoes. Beby, who is a model, and Satria, who is always pampered, keep them both busy to deal with every obstacle in the forest. Actually, I want to be surprised, but this is Beby and satria, so they understand.

"Beby, did you bring sunscreen? My skin is already burnt." Said Satria while taking shelter under a tree.

Beby then opened her bag and took out sunscreen, in her bag, it was certain that all the equipment was there. Starting from perfume, lip balm, body lotion, sunscreen, and most importantly water. Neither of them wanted to die of thirst there.

"Here, I'm wearing a lot, it's a pity that our cute skin will burn." Said Beby who was also busy wearing sunscreen.

Actually he had used it earlier, but instead he added more. Even though it's only 8 o'clock and it's not too hot, but these two Humans are like fire.

"Beby, I'm lucky I'm in the same group as you, if it's with Jorgas or Angga I'll be burnt to death. If it's with them, I don't dare to use this. I was bullied by a sissy with them, I'm very grateful for my oath." Satria said while holding Beby's hand.

Beby is getting used to Satria's attitude and is also happy, it turns out that the original nature of the school idol is like this. Think it's cool, it's actually really soft.

"When have you ever shown your true behavior to them? Just once? Or to someone other than me?" Beby asked curiously.

"Gosh, this is the only time I've opened my true nature because you're a model so you won't make fun of me. I'm ashamed of the others, I swear Beb, I really want to talk to them but I'm just afraid of that. It's just like you, wow, really. Last night Mr. Nathan said that if I had to be in a group with you, he asked me to take care of you." Satria replied while smiling a sweet smile that could melt anyone.

Satria is single, it's okay if it's a set, it's a set hehehe. Beby was happy to be in a group with Satria. Satria is the first person who according to him can be a good friend, having the same nature and character makes Beby even more interested in making him a close friend.

As for life partners, everyone should know that Mr. Nathan is there.

"Look, it's like this, every mid-month, I like going to beauty clinics for treatments. Do you want to join? As long as it's a place where I have a friend, so I get a discount." Get Beby excited.

Every time he went there he would always be alone, even if they wanted to invite Lidya and Feby, they certainly wouldn't want to. They both don't like going to beauty clinics because they think that if they're already beautiful, what can they do to stay beautiful.

Even if they go to a beauty clinic, they are afraid that they will be more beautiful and continue to beat Beby, this is the most frequent reason and it seems that they have become a habit when they are invited to a beauty clinic.

"You're not joking, right, Beb? I also usually go to the beauty clinic at the end of the month for treatment." Answered Satria openly.

"Even though I often go there, don't think I'm a sissy. I'm still full of men, how come there's no shortage, why can't boys join in the treatment." Satria continued.

"Yeah, I'll contact you later, now let's just walk again following the instructions. If we stay here for a long time, our skin will burn and I don't want to burn it." Said Beby who immediately got up from his seat and walked. Angga took an umbrella in his bag and ran after Beby.

"Beby, I just remembered that I brought an umbrella. Let's just use an umbrella, okay?" Offer Satria.

On that sunny morning they both decided to walk while avoiding the heat of the sun that didn't feel hot, there were only these two of them.

All groups were busy walking towards the highlands where there were a lot of Y flowers. Although on their way they saw Y flowers, the appearance of the flowers there was not as beautiful as the ones in the highlands. They were asked to examine every part of the Y flower and not forget to take pictures of every activity they did.

From traveling to picking flowers, Beby and Satria's group is a little different because when they are wearing sunscreen they are also photographed, they are both very cute.