Sleep well Dear

*Third POV*

"Ouch!!!" turning his head as his eyes meet the darker shade of the purple eyes staring down at him with a blank look on his face. Which just turns into a smile on his face with a gentle look over his eyes.

"Let's go back Master it seems you are going through heat" Damian lifts his hand cupping the cheeks. Pulling Koishi closer than before leaning down over the nape of his neck feeling his nose brushing against his shirt.

"We have to get you back to the room before anyone notices this Master" pulling back and turning around taking Koishi wrist into his hand while others holding the teddy he snatched from the Villian.

Walking away Koishi turn his head one last time looking at the villain who was staring back at him. Right then hearing a beep right above his head turning his gaze towards the hologram while blinking his eyes a few times.

*The stranger in the hallway

*Scream for help

*Walk away from the way you came from

*Talk to the stranger, what is he doing here?

'This girl never gives doesn't she but how is she even going to meet him and have her kiss when he is just walking the other way around' Koishi thought turning his head ahead of him only to groan in response.

Once again a sudden wave of shiver passes through him making him stumble on his feet, almost falling forward on his face.

"Master careful" feeling the hand being warped around his waist pulling him back once again Koishi could feel his heart beating faster against his chest rising up and down. Rising his one hand just to warp it around the back of his neck of Damien.

"Da-Damian I-I feel so weird is burning" bitting over the bottom of his lips trying his best not to moan aloud. His vision faded in and out with the black dots forming in front of his face sweat trailing down from the side of his head ending at the tip of his chin.

"I know Master please don't worry you are going to feel better soon, everything is going to be alright," Damian said while picking up Koishi into his arms with a sad look on his face.

The touch against his skin only made him feel as if his body is burning every cell in his body.

'What the fucked up game did I end up into that's only making me suffer? Wasn't it supposed to be all pleasant and amazing for me?'

"I-it hurts" Koishi closes his eyes shut feeling a single drop of a tear rolling down from the conner of his eyes.

"Dont worry master everything is going to be alright soon, I will make you feel better and take the pain away" hearing another ding made Koishi slightly open his eyes his chest rising up and down shivering into the arms of his bluster.

The teddy placed upon his chest makes him take a deep breath as a sudden wave of dizziness hits him. The sweet scent of the lemon reaches his nose mixed with Rose making a small smile spread across his lips.

**ERROR!!! **



Meeting with the stranger failed

**Do you want to retry? **




This only made Koishi chuckle in response staring at the hologram walking out in the open as the raise of the sun finally hits his face.

Making his gaze turn back to Damian who still has the blood dripping down from the side of his head. Along with the wound over the coner of his mouth watching him lick over the bottom of his lips.

"Who hurt you?" Koishi asked in a gentle voice finally closing his eyes once again hearing the ding once again. He could only imagine that the MC who must be trying her best to retry just come across another retry button.

"I just bumped myself against the wall master" hearing this only made Koishi chuckle in response making him hug the teddy into his arm tighter than before.

"Then we have to break the wall you bumped into ho-how can it come in your way" the voice barely sounded audible Diamen was only able to hear due to his sensitive ears. Just to earn a chuckle from his butler.

"I was the one who got into its way master as I wasnt watching where I was walking"

"Still we will get rid of the wall as its hurts you" with his eyes fully closed feeling the cold wind hitting against his skin. Making Koishi shake under it pressing himself against the warmth of his butler.

Damian could feel as if his heart just skipped a beat making him freeze for a second. The long white long lock of hair brushes against his face coving the blush over his cheeks looking down at the boy in his arms with his eyes filled with the feeling unknown to his master itself.

"As you say master I will remove the wall by tonight who hurt me"

"Good~" slowly breathing in and out the cheeks that were red a little while ago seem to be returning to their original colour itself.

'Ugh, now it's only making me feel the worst like how a single character just plates with everyone feeling. Just to get end up with the one character with the most likes then run a battle of a happy ending' Koishi breaths out feeling the raise of the sun falling upon his face making his wine.

"Sleep well my dear Master" the voice of Damien sounded far away in the distance. Koishi could feel the burning sensation putting him off to sleep along with the warm sensation inside his chest.

Hearing another beep made Koishi barely open his eyes just to see his name over the hologram with the one heart that was fully red a while ago turning blank.

Likeable 1 > 0

Just to close his eyes ignoring another beep of the hologram on the screen in front of him.

**Meeting the stranger failed