Not even the ML

*Third POV*

"Still, I want to go back home"

'I don't really like it here, what is the reason I'm here? Maybe this all is just a dream I will wake up soon. In the hospital bed and first thing, I will eat ramen and throw away and drown the bastard whole gaming set'

"For what?"

"Will you send me back if I tell you the reason?"

With that, Rin turns his head with a blank look on his face, which only makes Koishi gulp in response.

'Common, don't give me that look as if you are just going to wack me across my head' Koishi could feel as if his breath has caught in his throat. Sweating professionally as the smile returns, his face with his eyes closed.

'Damn, where is that damn butler when I need him the most, does warming the water takes this long??'

"Hmm, depends upon the reason" Rin said

"Ah don't just give me depends on and whatever shit just tell me will you?" Koishi snaps, already frustrated, not really being a morning person.

'Does that means he knows the way how can I go back just one hint that's all I need in common I can do that I know'

This whole situation doesn't really make sense to him at all, whether he should just lead and go according to the story and die. Or the other way around where he has to use some survival menu knowing some of the routes he has played in the game and make it to the end.

"Well, it really depends on as I just can't bring the cellphone out of nowhere or Wi-Fi you know the things that don't really exist in this timeline-"

'Cellphone, how can he know about that when these types of things were never mentioned! One of the biggest is that it doesn't really exist in this timeline at all. If it's possible, if only I can get my hand on a phone then I can do something using google and get some of the hinds of this game. Call cops? Read fanfic or lishen to music if none of this works'

"What!!! You know the about that!! Wait for a second, is it some kind of prank or something where you have hired these staged same-looking characters???" Koishi sits up, looking down at Rin who has his eyes closed.

Just to hear, the guy just chuckles in response, shaking his head and hearing no response from the guy. Making Koishi huff in response, lying back in the same position he was in.

"Oh wait, how can I forget you are the A.I. that always breaks the 4th wall" Koishi breathes out in response while pressing his lips into a thin line.

"As always my little wolf boy is so smart" Rin raises his hand just to ruffle Koishi hair who just growls in response. Snapping Rin's hand away, feeling the heat rising up to his cheeks for some unknown reason.

"You are no use, this is the reason you weren't included being the male lead" Koishi mumbles as the smile fades away from his face, Rin.

"Still have the girls drooling over" mumbling under his breath while rolling his eyes. "How would you even understand what kind of situation I'm in? Being the least favourite of all, a weak and pathetic one" pulling his knees closer to his chest.

Opens his eyes back up and glares at the ceiling with a cold expression on his face. Just to come back once again as Koishi faces him again, this time the way notices how fake the smile is.

"Oh you are right, how will I even understand what it feels like being one of the characters of the game as I wasn't even one to begin with" Rin mumbles looking turning his gaze away signing in response.

This only made Koishi feel guilty about what he just said, making him curse under his breath. Koishi bits inside his cheek, looking down at his lap.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it, It's just everything that is happening around me is just- I don't know"

"I know that Koishi it isn't your fault" sitting up in bed Rin learns out of nowhere, Rin gives a long kiss over Koishi lips. Making the boy freeze in response, eyes going wide in response. Rin just smirks

"Well, when we meet next time let me know the reason why you want to go home." with that in a blink of an eye the blue-haired guy just disappears.

Koishi was too stunned to even speak as he was more shocked feeling the kiss upon his lips. He could feel the heat rising up to his cheeks.

"Wa-what the actual fuck, why did he-" slowly rising his hand, the tip of his finger touching his lips. Making him feel as if the pair of lips are still lingering.

"Sometimes I really can't understand this guy at all, what the hell is ju-just-" licking the bottom of his lips and turning his head towards the open window. The soft wind blowing just sent a sudden wave of shiver.

"What the hell is going inside his head for fuck-sake" rolling his eyes placing his hand upon his chest.

On the other hand, Rin sat upon the tree with a smile across his face, hair covering his eyes.

"Who even wants to be some protagonist Koishi. When you can just play it all behind the scene. The part which isn't really the part of the game itself"

On the other side, the girl with the long cashew nut hair curving her eyes. The beautiful yellow dress with long sleeves. Walks sit on the chair with the different types of desert in front of her upon the table.

In front of her, the guy with the long black hair was tied into a high ponytail. The locks of his hair covered one side of his face, while the other was hidden by the shadow.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation, Princess Rosette" the guy said leaning forward showing the long crawls scar over one side of his face. The deep dark blue eyes glowed in the darkness inside the room.

"How can I not Duke when it was you who has invited me" Rosette smiles evil smirks across her red lips.