The summoning game 3

*Third POV*

"Why are you naked?"

Slowly turning his head towards the long black-haired guy who is looking down at Koishi with shock all over his face.

Koishi could feel the anger boiling under him, wanting to rip off the hair of the white-haired male at that very moment. Koishi was already tired of the summing game out of nowhere and now?

'Wha-what that man asking me why the hell am I even naked is that even a question he has to asked?'

"THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!" Koishi screams only made the Daisuke to cover his ears with the loud preaching sound.


"Will you stop summoning me out of nowhere or like whenever and wherever the kind?" Koishi mumbles under his breath. Looking down at his lap, playing with his fingers.

"Hmm" Daisuke just tabs his chin looking up at the ceiling, pretending that he is too deep. Just ot shake his head turning his gaze towards Koishi. "No"