No not again


"He must have run away from her"

"I have heard that Duke Nakamura and the hereditary grand duke hate Second Prince Koishi"

"She must have chosen him to gain sympathy"

"They must be hiddi-"

Rosette turns her gaze towards the people gossiping right behind her back. Making them shut their mouth shivering under her stare. Right before she could just put some words inside just to hear a voice right behind her.

Turning her head just to see one of her guards bowing its head down at her.


"Yes did you find something about the second prince?"

"We have but-"

"But what?"

The guard gulps in response with her hand clutched into a tight fist worried of the outcome of what he is going to say next.

"What about him?" the guard open his mouth just to close it again worried about the princess. How the news is going to break her of the person she had just confessed her love to?

"TELL ME What is itt!!!"