can I touch death?

fantasy worlds with dragons, fairies, a harem or fan service; such silly things that I usually do in my life like reading other people's novels, sometimes I even hate myself even though what can I do.

They say that smoking sometimes makes you think better or takes you down a different path, I've been tempted but I've never tried it and I guess I never will; What can I know about the outside world?; I'm a simple socialite who only goes out for two things, bathing (which is once a month) and buying supplies, I don't need money because from the day I won that tournament everything changed.

I'm a little programmer who managed to hack the tournament database to name me the winner

I really do like novels with harems, of the anime type or that include a very good fan service.

I don't like having a family, they are useless traitors, that when you need them they only stab you in the back, I prefer more to be the antagonist of the story, a villain in terms of novels, but as any man I've even thought about what it would be like to be a woman, it's not that I'm weird but sometimes I think they'll feel (I'll never get a girlfriend)

my thoughts are great and I am in a great tournament, I still remember that tournament that I won, well I did not win, I had only hacked the results website and infected its database so that I they will name the winner

grab the keys and start my car, it's been a long time since I last got in one and drove it (only two months); all good even though luckily I didn't stop during the trip no police, although the only detail would be that I also obtained my driving license "legally"

although it is not to think either I have hacked the database I only gave a virus to the fool who attended me because at that time I had nothing to pay, of course I did study and passed the exam

out of nowhere my thoughts became heavier, the world was made on camera, my face began to burn with a pain that not even my greatest enemies would want to pass on, I manage to see among everything that there is another guy in the air, while I was close to stamping myself against a wall.

As soon as I stopped feeling my body, the other guy was already very still, my body stopped hurting, only it made him feel the blow there, it's worse, only this time... he was standing standing in front of my leather...

everything went dark, I couldn't see anything but nothing, it's too late to start crying, I just can't feel my body, I can't move forward, a light approaches me among so much darkness, I don't know if it's me that's moving or it's the light.

???: It seems that the earth has treated you more than badly, well I don't care either, I'm just curious how you got here and why you still have your memories.

¿open leaving the PC on?, no.... n-it can't be... ¡¡don't delete my search history from PC!!

???: Seriously, the earth has left you very silly, well I see why your memories were not erased beforehand, your recommendation to avoid being eliminated, I will give you 5 wishes

kurotomi: Why? -" Because I want to and because I can, I'm curious about you", what can I wish for, -" I don't know, tell me, what can you wish for God?

kurotomi: why me?,-" does he want your wishes or not?"

I think I have no choice if I want to keep my memories, as a first wish... I want my physical form to be that of a dragon, but not just any, I want exactly the physical form of a dragon "Acnologia" as well as all his skills and powers multiplied by two.

???: i course

as a second wish, I want a system like in video games, only that I can access the source code and edit what it does for me

???: i course

As a third wish, I want to have the unique ability of perfect immortality, I can't die physically or spiritually. If my body is destroyed, it is only enough for a molecule of me to remain so that from this my body regenerates and I get an improvement of all my skills in two.

???: of course, nothing can beat perfect immortality, not even me or any kind of seal can hold you for long until it breaks on its own

how fourth wish, my abilities are affinity with all elements, immunity to all of the above, having a perfect memory to never forget anything, having the abilities of all hunters of fairy tail, from zeref to natsu, of course only this time i can control that tamar power unlike zeref who couldn't

???: then you have one wish left, to almost end your weakness will be the fact that to evolve all that you need a lot of XP and magic of course to level up and be almost at the level of Acnologia, your penalty is not being able to level up fast

I would like to tell him that I want infinite mana, but I'm not the type of antagonist who gets everything because if

how do I remove and last wish, I want to be totally immune to any type of poison or mind control in addition to the unique ability to be able to steal any ability of my choice from any enemy or monster

???: conceived, but the unique ability to steal abilities can only be used once a day, in addition to only being able to obtain it if an enemy is unconscious or I want otherwise you will receive the damage exactly as if the enemy had used it on you, by last limitation you can only remove one ability per enemy

what to do then; out of nowhere behind me a very powerful portal appeared, of which I did not have time to even notice it until the god said: "I expect great things from you, you will reincarnate in the world of Azrial World"

I only had to blink to realize that I was in the middle of a forest, quite beautiful to be one that the trees were a little taller than me, almost 20 meters tall, just by looking at the top that I am I realized that I am almost 10 meters tall with 13 meters long from my head to what seems to be my tail .

With just one step my tank body immediately fell, almost causing an earthquake because I felt the earth tremble even, "I have to check my system" just by thinking that a big screen appeared in front of me

Kurotomi: ¡¡how is it possible that this is my state!!