absurdly long night

---- Meanwhile in another place far, far away----

---: my lord, you have a report from the high wizard Zaron, he may not "like" this news.

Lorrin has been my most faithful follower, this is very bad everything since the dragons threw us out of that continent, and now is worse because of the internal war between houses as is the case of the house "Black Eye" and the house "Red Nightmare", houses whose names seem something words of how long they are, but they are the most powerful that exist, I can not control them but if they are under my control as sovereign that I am.

Lord Gerin: Lorrin, my most faithful servant, what has happened?

Sir Lorrin: The real question is, what has not happened, the high wizard Zaron provides us with a summary of his defeat at the hands of what he calls "A Greater Power", in the vicinity of the draconic ruins domain there appeared what can be called a "Bloodthirsty Ancient Magic", a dragon that not only wiped out the entire legion of soldiers of house "Black Eye" but also faced not one, but two spells from both sides.

For Zaron to deliver such a report... this has to be much bigger, though... it might be a dragon.

Lord Gerin: lorrin, I need you to put a reward of 50 platinum coins for reliable information on this beast, or at least some kind of object, the reward is tripled if the beast is brought dead and alive is quintupled, all this name in Lord Gerin the great, now go to the guild and give the reward as minimum a class E rank is able to do, give me that paper I will put my personal signature,-"are you sure, according to the supreme law of the king the lords can't do that...."- this is none of the king's business, we are talking about Zaron giving a poor report like this and more with a defeat of this magnitude with all those B-A class warriors plus the S class himself.

------ Back to the present ------

Kurotomi: You don't even know what 1 is, do you?

context, I have almost half an hour trying to teach elysia what is and how to play UNO, although the system has told me to stop touching her morale, what I mean by "touching her morale", well that I try to change her behavior but every change I make doesn't seem to affect her in the least, well of course maybe the file I'm playing with is not the right one and who knows what I'm doing.

Continuing with the updates, Elysia and I stay that half hour in a kind of debate where I try to instill in her that one is the number and a game, but she insists that no, it's just the number .... however we are interrupted with my tiredness and the possible threat of her to kill me... it's hard to accept but easy to understand, as if I hadn't tied him to a tree and forced him to take care of me while I'm sleeping.

My first day in this world ends so beautifully, with some fighting, a curse, and a card game that I didn't manage to teach how to play, plus the inclusion of new voice commands to make it easier for me to know my status and how I am socially ("single") and psychologically ("you're a joto who doesn't know the difference between avocado and avocado").

-------- the next morning -----

it's one day more, one day less, a happy morning with an elf type with a branch in my throat and a stabbing pain as if I had been cut, but looking at my body I can tell she tried to kill me but she didn't count with my absurd resistance to sharp objects thanks to my scales, now that I see it like this, I didn't feel anything while I was sleeping, COULD I HAVE DIED WHILE SLEEPING?

Kurotomi: What are you doing, "Polishing your body"- I guess that's not the way, "How old are you...?

There are many things you shouldn't ask a man, like his salary, but age... I don't really know if I should tell him I'm 21, I'm relatively young, but I don't know how old a dragon is, I read that some can live up to thousands of years if not more, so in theory telling him I'm 21 and with this size, is like telling him I'm a newborn baby in an adult's body at 48, it doesn't have any sense at all.

Kurotomi: I'm 130 years old, "So young?!? well, for your size it wouldn't be weird to say that you're in your 100/230s, although your mentality seems a bit immature compared to other dragons".

Wait... There are more dragons, come to think of it, why would a dragon have any kind of treaty with the guardians of the forest, I mean, according to me many dragons are just animals that kill each other for pleasure, although there are very few that are "civilized" enough to do this kind of thing. . .

Kurotomi: Do you know any more dragons, "Who doesn't, especially with the recent separation of relations between the dragon continent and humans?

I see... I have to investigate more about this, if there are civilized dragons, that means that there might be a lot of XP out there roaming around, although it doesn't rule out the possibility that among them there is some kind of "power" with the ability to hunt me or even kill me.

this discovery can be key in my formation as an antagonist, knowing what can kill me will help me better understand what my position is and if I should play my cards under the table or just take out the gun and kill them all at any cost.

-I leave the area without saying goodbye to my favorite fan/assassin.

and that's my day, soon I'll continue with my new adventures as the antagonist of this crazy world, my only worry now is... how do I get out of this forest!