first unarmed contact (part 1)

Kurotomi: How is it possible that they discovered it so quickly?

System: I don't think reducing the invisibility of the light field would have affected our apparent form.

The system is annoying, hadn't it changed its behavior long ago?

Dragon: Stay away; your fight is with me and not with these humans.

Kurotomi: Wait!

The dragon instantly changed its posture to an offensive one, upon hearing my reaction it started a claw attack while the two humans protected a third one with yellowish blond hair and a childish but mature face.

I could see in the blond's face a deep fear, in the soldiers that protected him, in their eyes terror and fear of the imminent death that they were ready to accept.

The dragon on the other hand was approaching at an alarming rate and I was like a hero thinking if he was the brave one or me for not falling in front of an attack that I didn't know how to respond.

All that stopped mattering when I was so close that by instinct my wings began to work without magic to take off from the ground where I settled, with an aura of superiority I easily dodged the blow; however my biggest concern was that I don't know how to fight or if I've ever been in a fight.

I didn't even with dodge the first blow I dodged the tail that knocked me down easily and more than everything it hit me in my face sending me to a tree, which from that blow broke in half, but I didn't feel pain, instead I felt a tingling in my wings and in some scales but none was broken or very damaged, some if they had scratches but instantly they were eliminated.

The dragon's face after the dust dissipated was something shocking, you could almost read "how can he not have a scratch after that?", he went from a brave and unfriendly face to a gloomy one full of fear, anguish and terror but he kept his posture accepting that he probably won't come out of this clean.

I with my best "face" of bad of and with a phantom pain in addition to numbness I get up of I raise my wings to "imitate" to be somewhat higher than him, it still didn't eat act here.

Kurotomi: What do you think you're doing.

The surprised dragon looks at me with fear and contempt, he says: You are a tough fighter, but I remind you, your fight is with me, not with those humans, leave them alone, you can do it!

Confused I acquire a defensive position of a sigh the dragon returns to his offensive form, the environment around the dragon began to look heavy and with a roar he takes the lead, with murderous force and a very serious contempt, I can almost see what he is giving all his being in this last blow.

Meanwhile I on the other hand did not have many options to think, I do not know how to use magic at all, my system only works when it wants and the only thing I know how to use but I do not know how to replicate the fact of using my body to manipulate the environment as I have done with the tornado I used against those soldiers or the "magic" I used to fly that was more to do force than my magic as such although I did not manage to fly at all.

System: do you wish to activate "the black cause of equals"?

Kurotomi: Yes

my vision went black-black like when you activate Google's incognito mode and at the same time I felt my body heat up and start to grow and the light started to be more consumed making my body grow a little, I can't imagine what I look like on the outside.

I felt a tap and a pain in one area of my tail, likewise my tail started to feel heavier, after that my vision was slowly returning to normal although something strange was within my field of vision.

A window with the name "recommended" appeared, where some windows with different names and images appeared, such as:

1) Plasma multipurpose: shape the plasma and use it at will for good or evil.

2) dark magic: the opposite of white magic only painted black.

(among many other many more magic)

my head hurts from so much information, and many windows not only "recommended" also, "more magic", "less cost", "summoning" plus many others that I couldn't even see despite my long vision.

Kurotomi (thought): This is a lot!!!.

System: Re-organizing in sub-menu.

In my vision appeared 3 sub menu, among those the sale of "recommended" reduced to 5 spells, then "Low requirements", "high requirements" that as their names indicate are several spells; with so clean my vision I observe my around and the dragon yase next to its original position, with a face of few friends, one of the broken wings, most likely with internal bleeding because the hole that has beside him stopped being purple to be black as the heart of her for you.

Of the 3 humans two throw themselves against the dragon dancing a strange cumbia and then begin to sing in a strange language, this makes the near the wound forms a green circle type field that very slowly closes the wound.

Guard 2: Stay away, disciple of the black elf, I swear that if he comes near you, you'll have to deal with me, damn you!

The human is a bit more damaged than the dragon before we started our encounter, although, now I feel taller and stronger with wings much bigger than my body that seem to have the ability to fly without the need to use magic to make me fly.

System: Please mark the targets to avoid collateral damage, remember to concentrate your gaze on the target to fix.

When I heard such indication I concentrated my gaze on the three humans and the dragon, and then above them appeared red dots, similar to signals that had two bars underneath, one red and one blue that in those two humans went down continuously and the red of the dragon went up little by little.

It automatically opened the menu tab that said "Suggestions" showing me some spells that according to the system would kill those 4 quickly and without using much magic or physical effort, two spells appeared:

1) Simple Plasma Beam

2) Aura of Intimidation.

(N/A: I leave it to your imagination what they do).

The dragon with some sighs manages to stand up but with his wings down as if he had little strength in it to keep them in a comfortable position, speaking with a somewhat distressed voice he says:

Dragon: Andreito, use the "short one". (referring to the third human that didn't jump to his aid)

Andreito: Winning cut, Moon Cut!

As the human throws a corta to the ground and from a light covered, hint tab appeared a box with a drawing of what appears to be a black sword pierced by something yellow, selecting it I shouted:

Kurotomi: BLACK DANCE!!!!

Dragon: Reinforced scales, red shield, big red shield!

Guard 1: We're all going to die!

From the cut came out a mirror that pointed towards the moon and this one shining throws a cut from high in the sky; from my body the energy and light began to be absorbed while in my forearms came out a black aura combined with gray that both together or separated gave a dance almost exchanging around my arm; from the dragon came out a shine that covered him and his friends while a red shield was formed around him while a bigger red aura covered him.

Could this be the end of the hottest dragon u.u.?