
Cadmus shook his head and then went back to appreciating his and Blair's photograph.

There was no one around at the moment, so he allowed himself to smile at the image. He turned the picture, checking the back for any indication as to where it came from. 

It read, 'I bet you're smiling like an idiot. That's why you're a simp.' 

Cadmus flushed. 'So, it's her, huh?!' 

Hershey seemed to be having a lot of fun messing with him. If she continued teasing him like this, it won't be too long before his feelings came to light. Cadmus could not believe that she was the first to notice.

Even he himself did not realize it. Or more like, he did not want to. 

Right now, that didn't change at all. He still didn't want to accept it. 

Cadmus heard the shutter of a camera. He turned to find Hershey standing beside him 

"Boy, you're so whipped."

"Stop it already, will you?!"