
"Are you sure you're okay with taking me there? I wouldn't want you to get into trouble because of me. Don't you still have morning classes to go to?" 

Blair's mother sure was a worrywart. This was the fourth time she asked Cadmus that. 

"I'll be part of the student council soon," he told her, tone and expression impassive. "Helping those in need is part of my duty." 


Cadmus knew for himself that he just wanted to get some information out of her. It was no use making Hershey confess the whole truth, anyway. He would have to resort to this in order to figure out what happened to Blair.

Both of them were now headed to the school gates. Apparently, she got lost on her way back from meeting their class adviser. It must have been fate that they chanced upon each other.

"Mrs. Winifred, may I ask something?"

"No need to be so formal," the woman chuckled softly. "Just call me Irina." 

His eyes slightly widened.