
The hours crawled as the city fell deep into slumber, and the rain soon ceased, the clock in the kitchen ticking past two in the morning. 

Her parents would be waking up in three or four hours. She needed to send her guest on his way before they got scolded for staying up so late.

"The rain's stopped," Blair chimed all of the sudden, interrupting Cadmus's captivating story about life in Luna Solis. "I didn't even realize how late it was. Gosh, I'm so tired."

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm kind of sleepy too."

Stretching her arms high above her head, she squeaked out a yawn and slumped in her chair, nearly sliding out of it from how much she had relaxed. Her eyes felt like they had weights attached to the lids, pulling them down, down, down, and her mind was so close to just slipping off into slumber.