
There's nothing new with Cadmus resembling an octopus. 

But for some reason, his eyes appeared to be going crazy. Blair wondered why. Then, she realized she kind of just stripped in front of him.


She covered her face in embarrassment. He coughed and averted his gaze.

"Aren't you going to join them?" Blair asked, trying to clear her head.

Cadmus paused for a moment to process her question. "Not really." 

Cadmus just wanted to make sure Hartmut wasn't anywhere near Blair. It seemed he's busy with Hershey arguing with Jamir and Irvin. 

Blair snorted, "They never change, do they?" 

They're having a huge water fight now. Jamir on top of Irvin, and Hershey on top of Hartmut, who looked about ready to combust. They're all enjoying themselves at least.