
"Hi," greeted Blair, feeling a twinge of embarrassment.

With an amused smirk, Cadmus blurted in reply, "Hi?"

"So, umm," she tried to form words, turning the gears in her head to find the right ones to say without sounding awkward. "H-How's your sleep? Aren't you uncomfortable in this position?"

"Not at all. I'm alright," he yawned as he stretched, his back arching like that of a feline. "In fact, I feel absolutely great waking up with you in my arms."

Unconsciously licking her lips, she watched the muscles in his arms contract as he extended his limbs. The bottom of his black shirt rode up just slightly, the bare skin of his hips catching her attention in the morning sunlight. Her fingers itched to reach out and trace the smooth expanse of his toned chest, his stomach, his hips, or maybe even lower.