
Blair shook her head, a sad smile spreading across her face. 

"You're important too. Don't ever forget that." She placed her hand on his cheek, slowly brushing her thumb over his skin. 

Cadmus met her eyes, and the intensity in his expression nearly made her explode with emotion. "I won't." He placed his hand over hers, which was still placed on his cheek, and gave her knuckles a squeeze. "Blair, you're everything to me, okay? I have to remind you that."

She felt as if her heart had leaped out of her chest, her face brightening a little. "Yeah." 

"You're my whole world." Cadmus smiled tenderly, and she couldn't help but return it.

"How can you say stuff like that so easily?" she giggled. "How is it not the hardest thing in the world to admit that to me?"

Cadmus took her hand in his grasp, his smile widening as he brought it to his lips and placed a delicate kiss on its back. "Because it's the truth."