Chapter 21

In the outskirts of Konoha two chunin were standing guard "this is boring," said one of them.

We must be vigilant; even though this is boring," said the other one right before is pulled away and stabbed by a black rod "enemies," said the other one as run to the alarm he is flung back and killed as well before he can reach.

A man with orange hair and black rod in his body walks out "prepare to send Animal Path into the village," said the man.

"Ready Konan; we will crush the leaf and it's will of fire," said Pein

The female path is sent into the sky as it goes through hand seal "Summoning Jutsu," she said as she summons the other path as well as Konan.

"Spread out," said the Deva Path as the other bodies go into different direction.


Hokage-sama the village is under attack by seven ninja," said Shizune.

Pein," she said.

"Order all ninja chunin or higher to battle. Genin must start to evacuate the civilians," said Tsunade.


In the market district one of the paths was killing ninja without mercy when he saw Iruka trying to help a fellow comrade "Konoha Ninja surrender to death," he said.

Iruka get a kunai as the path thrust a black rod at the chunin but is stopped by Kakashi "Iruka take the injured ninja and leave; I will fight him as atonement for my sin to my student," said the copy-nin.

Iruka flees the battle as Kakashi pulls down his headband "you will not get any info from me," he said

"Kakashi Hatake of Sharingan it is an honor. Let see you live up to you reputation," said Deva Path.

Kakashi goes through hand seal "Raikiri," he said as he thrust his attack.

Almighty Push," he said as he flung the copy ninja back.

Kakashi goes through hand seal "earth Style: Earth Wall," said Kakashi as a wall is form behind Pein Pain stabs Kakashi in the shoulder with his rod.


Konan was just killed another ninja when she jumps back and Shino and several clan members appear "remember Shino fight with all you strength," said Shibi.

Yes father," said the chunin.

All over the village the rage of battle continues with the Paths showing their power decimating the Konoha ninja.

On the Hokage tower Tsunade was looking at the village with Shikamaru and Anbu behind her.


In the Whirlpool Village an Anbu was kneeling "Uzukage-sama; Konoha is under attack," said the Anbu.

"Who is attacking," asked Naruto

"The leader of Akatsuki," said the Anbu.

Summoning," Said the Uzukage as he summon Fukasaku "I need you to reverse summon me to Konoha," said the blond.

Understood "Shima should be near the village," said the male elder as he goes through hand seal and Naruto disappears.


Pein was staring Tsunade down with Shizune dead on the ground as the bird summoning flew at the last Sannin. "Rasengan," shouted a voice as the blue attack destroys the bird.


The smoke clears and the Uzukage appears with the two elder on his shoulders in Sage mode "sorry for interfering Hokage-dono; sit back and enjoy the show," said the allied Kage.

"Uzukage-dono," said Pein

The Kage removes his hat and cloak "I will avenge Jiraiya," said Naruto.

"So have become a sage just like Jiraiya-sensei," said Pein.

The bald headed path fires missiles at Naruto "Fuinjutsu chakra barrier," said the blond as the missiles hit him.

"Is that all," asked Pain as the smoke clear and a blue barrier surrounds Naruto "truly a master of Fuinjutsu," said Pain.

"My turn," said Naruto "Summoning Jutsu," said Uzukage as he three toads appear.

"You know what to do," said Naruto as the toad took on a summoning.

"Sage Art: Wind Rasengan Barrage," said the blond as he throw the two wind Rasengan.

It won't help," said Preta Path as he tries to absorb both attack only for them to disappear in smoke as the other turns to a clone running into him "The Deva path puts out his hand "almighty push," said the Path as he blow away the jutsu only for Naruto to jump out of the smoke heading to the Naraka Path with a Rasengan destroying it.

"Now you can't revive any of your Paths," said the blond

Summoning Jutsu," said Animal Path as a Rhino appears and charges the Uzukage.

Rasengan," said the blond Kage as he destroys the Rhino.

"So you do indeed live up to your title," said Pein.

Naruto laughs "you do realize you fighting water clone," said the blond.

Deva path eyes widen "impossible; you're toying with me," he said.

"I was just observing to find any weakness before the real me joined," said the water clone.

"Say bye to your summing path," said the clone.

"Sage Art: Rasengan Barrage," said Naruto as he appears over Animal path destroying it.

"Are you a clone also," said Deva Path.


Tsunade was watching the battle "Uzukage is tearing those bodies apart," she thought.

Uzukage appears behind "enjoying the show Hokage-dono," asked the ninja.

"Are you a clone," she asked

"The real one has gotten the info and is fighting," said the clone.


Deva path was worried as his path were being destroyed by this Kage "Nagato; I would like to know who is you mother," asked Naruto.

"What does that have to do with anything?" asked Pein.

"Just answer it," said Naruto.

"Kura," Nagato said.

"I thought so," said Naruto

"What are you talking about," asked Pein

"You mother was my mother aunt," said the blond

"That would make us cousins," said Naruto as he pulls out a scroll. "Catch and read the scroll. I will not attack until you are done," said the blond.

The last body reads it and his eyes widen "well then; we should talk in person," said the path. "Head to the forest and find the tallest tree; I will recall my Deva," said Nagato.

Naruto turned to Tsunade "I will talk to the real body; no ninjas are to come," said the blond.

Tsunade nodded her head "good luck Uzukage-dono," she said


Naruto got to the tree and entered it "so my cousin has arrived," said a weak voice.

Naruto looks and sees the blue haired woman "I am angry at what you have done; but I am sure you a good but misplaced reason," said the blond as he sees a weak man with red hair in a chair with rods in his body

"Please tell me about your life and the event that have transpired," asked the Kage.


Nagato told Naruto his story "a pity; you mother and father where killed by Konoha ninja and then you friend Yahiko was force to kill himself by Danzo and Hanzo," said the blond.

"Then I will forgive you for your transgression and bring peace with this one act of mercy," said the blond.

"How will you bring about peace?" asked Nagato.

Naruto chuckles "half the village allied with me so I am already on my to peace; but it will not be easy because you the true leader of the Akatsuki," said the blond.

The man chuckle "I guess I will put my faith in peace one more time," said Nagato.

"Konan please give my cousin the eyes to do as he see fit; for I will not need them," said the man

"Samsara of Heavenly Life," said Nagato.

"What is going on?" asked Naruto

"Outer Path the ability of life and death he reviving everyone he has killing in the village," said Konan.


In the village the path appears and soul shot out in to people bodies reviving the one that were killed.


Konan faces Naruto "I will fulfill Nagato's request," she said.

"I will take them," said the blond.

I know a person who is going to lose their sight," said the blond with a bow.

Rain shall join with as an ally," said Konan.

"I will wait to hear from you; good day Konan," said the Uzukage.

The two part way and Naruto is approached by Kakashi "Uzukage-sama; I would like to escort you to the village," said Kakashi.

"Thank you Kakashi-san," said the Kage.

"I would like to apologize Naruto for failing you as a sensei and as a man," said the ninja.

I have already forgiven you; that is water under the bridge," said the Kage.

The two get back to the village as everyone cheer "Uzukage-sama defender of Konoha," shouted everyone.

"Where is Hokage-dono," asked the Kage.

"I don't know; I just woke," said Kakashi.

"Kakashi, Uzukage-sama; the Daimyo-sama would like you both to come to a meeting," said Shikaku.

The two nod their heads and shunshin with the Nara to the meeting.


At the meeting the Uzukage bow to the Daimyo "Uzukage-dono we need a candidate for the Hokage because Tsunade has fallen in a coma," he said.

"I see; I have three fit the position," said the Uzukage.

"One is Shikaku Nara due to his mind and intelligence," said the Uzukage

"The next one I have Hiashi Hyuga due to his knowledge of the village bylaws," said the Uzukage.

"The last one," asked the leader of the land

"Hatake Kakashi due to his leadership abilities and he has more knowledge in the ninja arts," said the Uzukage surprising the copy ninja.

"I am shocked Uzukage-dono," said the Daimyo.

"May I ask why," asked Uzukage

"From my understanding is that he did you a great injustice," said the Daimyo.

"I will tell the same thing I told Hatake-san; it is water under the bridge. It help that I read the order he was given by the civilian to train the Uchiha under penalty of death," said the Uzukage.

Hiashi looks up "Uzukage-dono; I do not remember a meeting with that being presented," said Hiashi.

"The civilian council forged all you names on the document to trick Hatake-san; you were not in the meet from what I know," said the Uzukage.

"Those in favor Kakashi as the Rukodaime Hokage," said the Daimyo.

The whole hall raises their hand as the Uzukage smiles.

"Kakashi Hatake do you accept," asked the Daimyo.

"Hai; but I have one thing do as first order of business; the civilian council is disbanded and will only have two member to voice their concerns," said Kakashi.

It shall be done; in light of what they have done," said the Daimyo.


I would like to visit Tsunade Hokage-dono," said the Uzukage.

"Follow me Uzukage-dono," said Kakashi as he escorts Naruto to the Tsunade's side.


They get their "Uzukage-dono it is good to meet finally," said Shizune.

"I already meet Shizune," he said as he reveals himself.

"Naruto-kun," said Shizune as she hugs the boy in front of her.

"How is Baa-chan," asked Naruto.

"She is in a coma; we don't know when she will wake up," said Shizune.

"Keep her safe," said the blond.

Hai," she said

The two walk out. "She looks so weak Hokage-dono," said Naruto

"I know how you're feeling; I lost a lot of good friends and my father," said Kakashi.

A chunin run up "Where is Hokage-sama?" he said franticly.

"I was just appointed; what happened," asked Kakashi.

Sandaime has been killed by three Akatsuki during his mission to wipe out Oto," said the chunin.

"Which members did the deed?" asked Kakashi

"Kisame; a man with an orange mask and Sakura Haruno," he said making both Kage eyes widen.

"So she became a missing ninja," asked Kakashi.

Uzukage turns to him "Hokage-dono please explain; I have not heard the recent news," he said

"She was sent on a mission but she never returned; we labeled her MIA," said Kakashi.

"Everyone on you squad is no longer a Konoha ninja," said Uzukage

"I have failed; I am not worthy of the Kage title," said the Kage.

"I disagree; you admitted to making mistakes as should all commanders and you try to correct them; you are more than worth Hokage-dono," said the blond.

"Can I request you help in learning how to be a Kage," said Kakashi.

"Of course let us head back so you can take the role," said the blond.

Hai," he said as they disappeared back to the tent for the Kage.