Chapter 23

Naruto was sitting in his office, it was the time for the Meeting as the Kages appear. "We need a chain of command. I would like Onoki to be my second in command."

"Hokage-dono, you will be in charge of 1st corps. They will be in charge of all offensive maneuvers," said Naruto.

"Understood, Uzukage-dono," said the copy ninja.

"I would like Shizune-san, be in charge of Medical Corps," said Naruto.

"I will let her know," said Kakashi.

"Kazekage-dono, will be in charge of the Defensive bases of the fortification. The defensive Corp commander," said Naruto.

"Understood Uzukage-dono,"

"Itachi, you will be in charge of ambush and espionage corps," said Naruto.

"Understood, Uzukage-sama," said Itachi.

Next is Raikage-dono, I would like you to be charge of supplies and armament," said Naruto.

"Right," said A.

Uzukage," said Mifune. "Why not put me under Hokage-dono."

"I can do that, your Samurai are very skill for short rage combat.

"Mizukage will be in charge of protecting the Lords," said Naruto.

"Yes Uzukage-dono," said Mei.

"What about Intel and communication," asked Kakashi.

"Inoichi will be in charge with Ao his second. I have a system we developed for communication. Shikaku, will be strategist, Nara are the top planners."


Madara was in his base as he was looking over the army of Zetsu. "I have some of the Jinchuuriki to use and Bijuu to use."

"I think you might need some help, Madara," said a slick voice.

"Kabuto," said the masked villain. "What brings you here.'

"I offer an alliance and some troops," said the former Konoha ninja.


"Summoning Jutsu Edo Tensei," said Kabuto as over fifty coffin rise up. "These will be your troops."

"Very well," said Madara. "I agree to this alliance."


Near the Leaf Village in a forest, Kankuro was kneeling. "See any movement?"

"No commander," said a man with his Byakugan. "

My insects have spotted about ten thousand troops.

"The Hyuga, eyes widen. "I have visual of Two ninjas."

"Who?" asked the puppet user.

"Deidara, and Sasori," said the ninja.

"Impossible," said Kankuro. "Unless, Edo Tensei."

"Good thing Uzukage-sama had some of his sealers with us," said the Aburame.

"Protect the sealers and engage the two resurrected ninjas," said Kankuro. "Here they come."

"Fire Style: Fire Ball jutsu," shouted some of the alliance ninjas. They quickly burn, hundreds of the Zetsu.

Art is a explosion," said the blond Akastuki member. Several bombs are launched at the raid unit. "Ambushing unit rarely meet in battle."

"If we take out their ambush unit, this war will go easier," said Kankuro. "Ask for reinforcements."


Back at the Alliance HQ, Inoichi was monitoring the situation. "We have a request for reinforcement," said the Yamanaka.

"Why?" asked A.

"Edo Tensei," said Inoichi.

"I need a message sent," said Naruto. "Are closest master sealer is Inari."

"Ready to go?" said Inoichi.

"Inari," said Naruto.

In near in forest, Mifune was leading his samurai. In it where some Wirlpool village ninjas. "Yes Uzukage-sama," said Inari.

"Inari, I need you to go to the ambush unit and seal the resurrected ninja,"

"Go, Inari," said the leader of the land of Iron.

"I don't think it's possible," said Inari. "I sense over ten thousand chakra signature and two Kage level signatures. "


Near by a man with red hair and a Red armor . Next to him is a man with white hair and a mustache he has a cloak of the word first Uzukage. "I don't like this Shodaime Uzukage-dono."

"Neither do I my friend, being forced to fight against my clansmen and other villages."

Inari was looking through the bushes. "Oh no," said the young Ninja.


The former Shodaime Uzukage is here," said Inari.

Mifune thinks for a moment. "We have to engage," said the commander. "Inari, we will have to fight together."

Here they come," said Inari. The Samurai quickly start fighting the Zetsu. Mifune block a Katana from armed figure and Inari goes through quick hand seal. "Water Style: Exploding Torrent."

A Wave quickly launches at the Uzukage. He seals it and redirect it. Inari does the same but seals it. "That is a Whirlpool technique. Where did you learn it?" asked the Uzukage. He sees the head band of his village. "My village is rebuilt,"

"Forgive me," said Inari. "Uzukage-sama, has entrusted me to hold the line."

"Sealing Jutsu: Army Sealing," said the Uzukage. He aims at the Samurai.

"I don't think so, Shodaime-sama," said Inari. "Reverse Sealing," he throws a kunai in front of the scroll. Negating the sealing Jutsu.

"Impress," said Uzukage. "What is your rank kid?'

"I am chunin," said Inari. "Enough talk, I have to seal you."

"I wish luck," said the Uzukage. "Rushing the young Chunin he goes through hand seal. "Reverse Sealing: Earth Bullets."

"Sealing Jutsu: Portal," said Inari as a black portal sucks in the earth bullets. Throwing a tag past the Uzukage. The earth bullets appear from the tag launching at the former leader, forcing him to jump away.

"Fire Reverse Sealing," said The Uzukage. A wave of fire appears from the scroll. Thinking fast Inari unleashes a water dosing most of it. Some of it gets through burning his on his flak jacket.

"Thunder Reverse Sealing." several bolt of lightning appear and attempt to strike Inari.

Avoiding several bolts, Inari take out a scroll. "Thunder Seal," shouted the young Chunin he opens it and absorbs the lightening. "Reverse Sealing: Thunderbolt."

A powerful bolt hits the Uzukage. He reforms almost instantly. "You have great talent in the sealing arts," said Uzukage. "Not enough to stop me."

Inari growls. "Damn."

"What's wrong, this battle won't till one of us is defeated," said the Shodaime.


Back in the HQ, Naruto was looking into nothing. "Inari," said the blond Kage. "What is the statues of our forces?"

"Two of our divisions have been engaged," said Ao.

"The Ambush unit and our Fifth Division," said Naruto.


Kankuro was engaged in a puppet to puppet battle. "I pity you, Sasori," said Kankuro. "How sad, you were a master puppet user and now you are the puppet."

"I don't need a lecture from you," said the rouge ninja. "Still I cannot fight this technique."

"Time to seal you," said Kankuro. "I shall use you own body as my weapon."

Quickly unsealing Sasori, former body it attack the resurrected ninja. "I see, you now the strongest puppet user," said the rogue letting out a small smile as Uzu-ninja, start to seal him. "I have a favor take care of mother and father puppet."

He is quickly sealed. "Now to deal with the last one," said Kankuro.

"Damn they sealed Sasori," said the blond bomb maniac. "I got to get out of here."

The Hyuga growls. "Deidara is retreating, should we pursue?'

"No, we just received orders. Hold our position and wait for reinforcements," said Kankuro.


Inari was had injuries on him, but was still fighting. "Impressive young Shinobi."

"Thank you for a you praise Uzukage-sama," said the young Shinobi. "I know a way to seal you."

"Let us see," said the Shodaime.

Inari throws a scroll on the ground, Ninja art: Binding body seal."

Several ropes shoot out of the scroll and tie the Shodaime tight. "What is your name Chunin?"

"Inari," said the young ninja.

"You did an outstanding job, Inari," said the Shodaime as he is fully bound.

Inari heads to the sound of battle.


Naruto smiled. "You did fantastic job, Inari."

"Sir Mifune is still engaged with an unknown ninja," said Inoichi.

"Do we have an ID on the ninja?" asked Kakashi.

"Image coming up now," said Inoichi.

A head haired man is seen clashing Katana with Mifune's Katana. "Goro, the brother of the Shodaime," said Naruto. "This might be a fight he cannot win."

"What should we do?" asked Ao.

"Kakashi, send in my former team to assist," said Naruto.



Mifune was clashing sword to sword. He has cuts and slashes on his armor. His opponent was the premier sword master of his years. The legendary Blood Blade. "You are a samurai," said the former Whirlpool Ninja. "You might be skilled, but you are too injured."

"You live up to your reputation," said Mifune. "You're right, I am injured."

Eight Trigram: Air Palm," shouted a voice. "Hanza, grab Mifune and heal him."

The Inuzuka quickly engulfs his hand in green energy as all of Mifune's injured start to heal. "You okay?"

"Thank you young Inuzuka," said Mifune. "We have to seal him."

Goro looks at the four warriors. "Let us begin, I unable to control my movement," he said.

Rushing Mifune goes for a slash, the katana clashes with Goro katana. "You caught second wind," said Goro. He breaks off and dodges several parasites launched from Shina.

"Hang over Fang," said Hanza as he plows right into Goro, sending the undead ninja back.

"Moto, find a weakness," said Hanza.

"Let us see," said Moto. "This technique is of the main branch."

The Whirlpool ninja is trapped by Shina's bugs. "Eight Trigram: Chakra body seal," shouted Moto hitting Goro in the head dropping him. "Sealers.'

The Whirlpool sealers go through hand seal and seal the former ninja. "Thank you," said Goro.


"Three battles have been won, Uzukage-sama," said Inoichi.

"Very good, however, they will launch a counter attack," said Naruto. "Itachi, have your corps find the one who brought back these ninja and deal with him."

Yes Lord Uzukage-sama," said Itachi.

"Kakashi, take you unit and strike the enemy under the darkness," said Naruto.

"Understood," said Kakashi.


At the Akastuki base Madara was looking at Kabuto. "Three of your ninja have fallen, Kabuto," said Madara.

"I know, but I have many more to use," said Kabuto. "I have done thing Orochimaru-sama could never achieve."

"What have you done?" asked Madara.

"You will see, however, shouldn't you be ready to strike," said Kabuto.

"Very well, don't fail me.'