Even my cultivation is against me?!?!*

Having just gotten out of the second cold shower of the day, I fall on my bed, physically and mentally exhausted.

First I have to make money and get revenge on that filthy scammer, and now I have to worry about my mother. "Damn it, it's just a first date, calm down," I say to myself as I get up and walk around the house.

Let's think of a way to make money. If I had any cultivation I would rob some fools but that isn't an option right now. Hmmm, maybe I could sell something instead?

It takes me a couple of minutes before my mind jumps back to the picture of my milf mom in sexy underwear. That's it! I can sell some of Evelynn's and my sister's underwear! There are plenty of horny guys at school that wouldn't mind buying them for loads of money!

Thinking of what all those guys would be doing with that underwear my little brother gets rock hard, as I sigh once more. "Looks like I'll have to sacrifice a bit of my dignity to get started." I tell myself not really seeing any other option that would make me a lot of money.

I head for my mother's bedroom and quickly locate the underwear drawer. Looking around my little brother gets painfully hard, seeing all this skimpy and sexy underwear! I can quickly imagine what she looks like in them!

Fuck, I'll need to rub one out later today! I quickly get a couple of sexy G-strings and bras thinking of all the money they'll make me. "It's all for the greater good!" I tell myself as I happily ransack all kinds of sexy underwear, before heading for my sister's room to do the same.

Eventually, after a good while, I'm in my room with a stack of sexy underwear that my mother and sister wear. Thinking once again of where these undies will end up tomorrow I can't help but almost cum. 'Fuck! I'm turning into a cuck! But why?' I think as I just decide to work through this and start rubbing one out.

Eventually, I cum hard, feeling too good! 'Fuck is this how people turn into cucks!?!?' I think as I drop my pathetic load on the bed. After a while, my little brother is down. 'As soon as I can cultivate I'll be sure to get rid of this!' I tell myself as I fall asleep annoyed, ashamed, but also secretly a bit excited.

It's a few hours later that I wake up to my phone ringing. "Fuck, who is it?" I mutter half-awake as I take a look to see my mother's caller id. Wide awake I quickly pick up wondering why she called me.

"Mhhhh Xiao Wu, are you there?" I hear my mother say, as she sounds weird. "Yes, mother it's me! Is something wrong? Where are you?" I say quickly wanting to know what's going on.

"No noth... Ahhhhhhh nothing is g-going on Xiao Wu. I neehhhd you to pick me up!" she says, as I swear I hear moans and slapping noises in the background. My heart starts pumping, wondering what is happening on the other side of this phone call. 'You're just imagining it!' I tell myself to calm down. Just as I'm about to ask her if she is okay she suddenly hangs up as an address is texted to me!

"Fuck I need to go save her!" I say as I quickly look up the address and race towards the garage to borrow my sister's car. Once inside I make use of this body's instincts to drive towards the address, as my heart is racing, thinking of all the things that could be happening to her! 'Fuck, I knew I shouldn't have let her go!'

Racing through the streets I arrive quite quickly, managing to avoid causing a car crash. It's a standard home in a normal neighbourhood. Any person passing by would think it's normal, not realizing just what's been happening inside of it.

Heading for the front door I notice that it's been left open. Not questioning it I slowly head inside both scared, and for some reason excited at what I might find within.

As I go in I notice a weird rhythmic banging noise coming from upstairs. Too nervous to do anything else I quietly go up to the second floor as the noise keeps getting louder.

*Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa*

It just keeps getting louder and louder as I am slowly able to hear my mother's voice coming from where the noise is. As I come up to a hallway I see a door that is slightly open. I freeze up listening as I hear moans and screams coming from up inside. It's like my body won't listen to me as I walk towards it, as my small dong quickly gets harder than it's ever been.

What I see inside through the crack is too shocking as it's engraved into my mind so I never forget it. Inside I see a big man in between my mother's legs going to town on her pussy! Evelynn's legs are spread wide and in the air, as the unknown man is mating pressing her, as she screams and moans. "Ahhhhhh, daddy! Daddy! More!" can be heard as the man starts fucking her even harder.

I'm just about to storm in and end this when I start to realize something. My cultivation is growing! What the hell? Why is my cultivation growing now? I quickly locate the source. It seems my cock is releasing a bunch of Qi as I see my mother being fucked in front of me!

Has even my cultivation decided to make me a cuck!!! Too unreal! I just stand there in shock as the unknown man starts manhandling Evelynn, groping her and picking her up. He turns her around and gets her on all fours, as I am able to see my mother's thoroughly ruined ass! Her normally flawless white asscheeks are filled with red handprints, her pussy is gaping wide, and so is her asshole!

'Fuck, he even fucked her ass!' I think as I start cumming in my pants, thinking of my mother getting assfucked. 'Fuck this feels too good!' I think as my cultivation skyrockets from cumming to this sight, almost making me fall over.

Trying to calm down after such a powerful orgasm, I realize he's been wearing a condom luckily. Quite a few full condoms are wrapped around any kind of clothing left on my mother that hasn't been ripped off of her, decorating her in his seed. 'Fuck that's a lot of condoms! How long has he been fucking her! She just left this afternoon!'

"Get ready for another round bitch!" He says as he starts slapping her ass some more before he thrusts all of his bitch breaker up her ass!

"Ahhhh, daddy! Too big! Too rough!!!!" Evelynn screams as she's being fucked like a bitch in heat, as her mommy milkers sway roughly back and forth, following the rhythm of his thrusts.

By this point, I can't take it anymore! It feels too good! I quickly get my 3-inch cock out of my pants as I start masturbating as hard as I've ever masturbated! I don't want to be a cuck but this feels too good! The sexual pleasure in combination with his fastly increasing cultivation is just too good. Even for Xiao Wu who's lived for so long.

All I can do is watch and masturbate. looking at my mother being mounted by a complete stranger she barely knows, as he ruins her asshole. His balls slap her pussy each time he goes balls deep up her ass, in an almost hypnotizing rhythm!

"Ahhhh so full!!! Daddy, you filled me up!" Evelynn screams as she starts squirting all over the bedroom. With the way her ass is pointed to the door all her juices are launched and land right in front of the door crack!

"Fuck, get ready bitch! I'm gonna fill you up even more!!! Take my load!" the man screams as he starts grunting and unloading his cum up my mother's ass, as he makes sure to keep his dong as deep inside of her as possible!

The both of them fall onto the bed with the man, falling on top of her back, keeping his cock inside of her for a good few minutes. I myself cum for a second time as the sight of my mother being assfucked gets me over the edge, hard!

"Fuck!" I scream as I fall over from pleasure, landing inside of the room on my knees, not able to control myself.

The man quickly gets up to check what's going on only to see me on my knees gripping my dick! "Hahahaha you must be that Xiao Wu kid! Don't worry I'm almost done with this bitch." He says not giving a shit about Evelynn's son seeing him with her. The fact that I am gripping my dick only amuses him as he gets the condom off and ties it up before attaching it to one of her ripped stockings.

"Clean me up slut! We're done here! He says as he positions himself in front of her face and slaps his dick on her face while smirking at me! Once half-awake after a few hard cockslaps, Evelynn follows her womanly instincts as she quickly starts sucking on the cock that's slapping her face, making sure to clean it from any of his cum left over.

Once Evelynn has made sure to clean both his cock and balls he gets out of the room, walking past me, not caring about me seeing his massive dong that just ruined my mother in front of me!

"Clean her up and get her home brat. Damn that bitch is good at draining my balls!" The man says with a smirk, looking down on me as I cum for the third time today, as a pathetic amount of seed comes out of my dick.

By the third time, I'm spent as I can't get any harder and my cultivation won't budge anymore. Shaking myself out of it I slowly head for my mom's limp figure that lays on the bed. As I get closer I can't help but check out her body. She's laying on her belly but even then I still see her massive side boobs and her huge ruined ass! "Mom? Are you okay?" I ask her as I get close to her. Looking at her face I can't believe this is my mother, the prim and proper board member of a big company. Her hair is a mess, her eyes are rolled back, her tongue is hanging out of her mouth, her lips have pubic hairs on them and her entire face and hair are coated with cum stains!

This is not the face of a mother or a businesswoman. This is the face of a slut that's just been well and thoroughly fucked!

Seeing no other choice I reluctantly grab her body, as I take a few peeks at the sloppy seconds the man left behind. I get to see her massive boobs without any covering, and they're perfect! If I didn't come three times already I probably would have instantly came from such as sight.

I drag her half unconsciously to the bathroom where I clean her up. It takes a good while to wash away all the dried-up semen the man covered my mother with as I probably would have popped quite a few boners if I wasn't so spent. I do however get to touch all of her body, to clean her up. The fact that she's already been used all night long only makes it better for some reason.

I quickly scrounge up what torn clothes haven't been destroyed, or thoroughly soaked in bodily fluids. By the end, I barely am able to dress her in a panty and a half-torn sweater that barely covers her massive boobs! The rest had been ripped and defiled from her body!

Just as we're about to leave, with me dragging my limping mother with me, the man notices and sees us off.

"Hey, kid wait up!" he says as he slaps my mother's ass, making sure to grope her behind and massive mommy milkers as he gives her a deep kiss right in front, sticking his tongue as deep inside her mouth as possible. "Fuck your mom is hot!" He says as I stare at him with hate and anger. It might have felt good but he's still cucked me!

"What are you staring at brat! Last I saw you were enjoying the show with your little dick, you cuck!" He says as he slams the door shut.

'Fuck, hateful! Just you wait you motherfucker! I'll make sure to get back at you!' I think as I drive us off, not realizing how fitting a description the word motherfucker is for the man.

An hour later I manage to get my mother into her bed before falling asleep in my room. "I'll figure out what happened tomorrow" Is the last thing I say as sleep takes me.