Eternal Star Art.

Lin Tian discovered that the mysterious scroll seemed to glow with a golden color, looking ancient and looking majestic.

When Lin Tian found it in the past, the mysterious scroll looked worn and only looked like an ancient antique. Now, even though the mysterious scroll still looked ancient, it was colored with a bright golden color and a majestic aura radiated from it.

Seen from anywhere, this mysterious scroll is not something ordinary.

There was only one inscription in the mysterious scroll "Heaven Star Chaos".

Curious, Lin Tian focused his mind on taking a closer look.

When Lin Tian's soul drew near, there was no coercion or aura emanating from it. The scroll just looked majestic and ancient, seemingly harmless and nothing more.

Just as Lin Tian tried to touch it, a strong suction force came from the scroll and absorbed it very strongly. Lin Tian was taken aback, he tried to pull his soul consciousness back into his body, but his attempts were unsuccessful and with a feeling of unwillingness, Lin Tian was lowered into a scroll.

Inside the scroll, it looked as bright as daylight, but it didn't have any light source of illumination. Surrounded by an invisible barrier, the area of ​​the room was only twenty square meters. With the ground on the feet, the whole room looks empty.

In the middle of the room there is a building, it is a pagoda, it is twelve meters high and has nine floors, all black, there is only one windowless door on its body, which is inscribed "Star Pagoda" at the entrance of the Pagoda.

Lin Tian frowned, he really didn't expect, the scroll he found had an empty space in it.

In the past, Lin Tian had seen too many space treasures, but he had never heard of this Star Pagoda. Especially the ones in the rolls.

It's really mysterious.

Stepping forward, standing in front of the door with the inscription of the Star Pagoda, Lin Tian was hesitating, whether to enter or not.

Even though everything was inside his body, the Pagoda in front of him was extremely mysterious, so he had to be careful when entering it, what if something bad could annihilate his own soul and then occupy his body.

Just because of his Xianzun, he wouldn't give up so easily!

Everything is like this, it would be a pity not to enter it, maybe I will find something interesting.

With such a thought, Lin Tian raised his hand to try to push the door in front of him.

The door was unlocked and Lin Tian was able to push it easily, it was really unexpected.

In the five square meter room inside the pagoda, the room seemed empty, there were no tables, chairs or even other furniture. Let alone a piece of furniture, stairs to the second floor are not available. In the large room there is only a stone located in the middle of the room, which is one meter high and two meters wide.

Seeing the situation in it, Lin Tian shook his head and felt a little disappointed.

Stepping in, trying to check and search every corner of the room for some time, Lin Tian felt disappointed again, this place was completely empty!

Finally Lin Tian's gaze fell on the rock in the center of the room.

The stone actually looked ordinary, nothing more, it was just an ordinary, worthless stone. On top of the ordinary-looking stone, there was an emerald green Jade quietly lying on its top.

Seeing this jade, Lin Tian hoped that this jade had something!

Picking up the Jade on the rock, Lin Tian's eyes brightened, after his soul was brought into this room, if he didn't get anything, it would really disappoint him. Because of this scroll, he had to be surrounded by thousands of practitioners in the immortal realm and finally arrived at this place. Even though the scroll had a Pagoda in it, but if there wasn't anything interesting, Lin Tian really didn't know who to curse at.

Looking at the Jade in his hand, Lin Tian felt elated, The green colored Jade in his hand was the soul Jade.

Soul jade is Jade which is usually used to record something by practitioners. Practitioners who could record in this Jade should at least be at the Gods stage. This jade is usually used by elders in the training world, used to record martial skills or methods to pass on to juniors.

Lin Tian also knew how to open it, in fact he had also used Soul Jade in the past to give to his disciples in the palace.

The jade in his hand, judging by the current and past situation, should not be carried out by a cultivator like in his prime, much less a cultivator of the Gods. Lin Tian used to be a Nirvana cultivator, Nirvana cultivators could be considered immortal, because Nirvana stage cultivators had already transcended the mortal body and stepped onto the immortal path.

Nirvana cultivators were already considered peaks in the immortal realm and could be called Immortal Venerables. With Lin Tian's gaze, he could guess that this Jade was beyond his comprehension.

With such hope, Lin Tian sat cross-legged in the Pagoda room, released his Divine consciousness, penetrated the jade in his hand and began to study the things within.

Eternal Star Art!

Lin Tian was a little surprised, after trying to look deeper into it, he became even more surprised.

As a pinnacle existence in the immortal realm, Lin Tian knew many training methods, but he had never heard of a method with such an arrogant name.

The training methods are divided from level one to ninth. Level one is the lowest and nine is the highest. Above the ninth level, there are still Yellow rank, Warrior, Earth, Heaven and finally Sacred rank. In the past, Lin Tian was lucky enough and obtained a Sacred rank method for his practice.

This Immortal Star Art was not classified as Sacred rank, much less ranks one to nine. This Immortal Star Art showed that it was beyond Lin Tian's understanding.

The Immortal Star Art practice method consisted of 7 levels. Firstly, cultivators can absorb spiritual energy under any conditions and are said to be able to absorb ten times that of other cultivators. Second, a person who practices the Immortal Star Art can absorb energy from plants and animals regardless of impurities and side effects. Third, it can even absorb the spiritual energy of other cultivators which doesn't have to be higher than his cultivation level.

Just thinking about the first through third levels had made Lin Tian excited, he didn't dare to think about the fourth let alone seventh.

Apart from soul cultivation methods, the Immortal Star Art also had body cultivation methods. Unlike soul training methods, body training methods are only divided into one to five. It is said, that the first method can have a punch power of 10000 kg, and each increase is increased by 10 times. If mastering to the fifth level, doesn't that mean Lin Tian can have a punch of 100,000 tons?

And that being said, once it reaches the fifth level, the body will become extremely hard, as hard as a Kirin beast and white in color.

Lin Tian was surprised, no longer surprised, Lin Tian was really surprised. With this method of practicing the Immortal Star Art, he would not need much time to reach his past cultivation. In fact, it is not impossible to go further.
