Sacred Pavilion

Hearing Lin Tian's answer, Lin Lin felt confused.

Fat pig? What does fat pig have to do with this food?

Lin Lin felt confused, he found that his Young Master today was really strange. not only is he weird, but he's also changed a lot, he's become more mysterious and most importantly, he cares more about himself.

Thinking of Lin Tian's concern for himself, Lin Lin felt sweet.

Clearing his thoughts for a moment, then turning his gaze to the food in front of him, Lin Lin felt hungry. Lin Lin couldn't remember how long it had been since she had seen this much food.

Regardless that Lin Tian was still staring at him, Lin Lin stretched out his hand, took the food in front of him and ate it eagerly.

Seeing Lin Lin like this, Lin Tian felt pity in his heart.

If he had not followed himself but followed others, he would definitely not have suffered as much as he is now. With Lin Lin's current appearance, it wasn't hard to seek a better fate if she wanted to.

Knowing Lin Lin's sadness and loyalty towards him, Lin Tian promised in his heart that as long as he was still breathing, he would not let this only relative suffer anything. I will definitely make Lin Lin the happiest woman in this world!

"Lin Lin, I'm going out again. wait here, if you want to rest, just sleep here." After pondering over Lin Lin's matter, Lin Tian thought if he still had something to do and said to Lin Lin.

"No, Lin Lin is not a fat pig who only sleeps after eating." lin Lin thought Lin Tian was mocking him and said with a frown.lin Tian was dumbfounded and shook his head, he didn't intend to call Lin Lin a fat pig, he just wanted him to be able to rest and not have to do any troublesome things today, but it was misunderstood by him.

"Did I say Lin Lin is a fat pig?" Lin Tian stretched out his hand to clean the food in Lin Lin's mouth and said with a smile.

"But I'm not a fat pig!" Lin Lin said still sullen.

"Fine, fine, Lin Lin is not a fat pig. I have to go." Lin Tian didn't want to argue with a little girl, much less a woman.

After saying, Lin Tian turned around and walked out of the room.

Seeing the sun still overhead, Lin Tian stepped forward and headed southward from the Lin family's exit.

Lin Tian's goal now was the market located in Longshan city to search for medicinal ingredients and remove the poison in his meridians.

With the money given by his uncle, Lin Zhong, which amounted to 500 silvers, that should be enough. the herbal ingredients to remove the poison clogging his meridians weren't very expensive and they were all just first-rate. Maybe only the main ingredient is Sun Grass which is a bit expensive.

This Sun grass is in the second level, the use of this grass is to burn poison in its meridians and other ingredients are useful for eliminating and preventing the pain of burning Sun Grass.

After looking around, Lin Tian's gaze was drawn to a shop with the inscribed Sacred Pavilion on it. His name is too arrogant to dare to call himself holy. Inside definitely had something to catch his eye.

Lin Tian stepped forward and entered the sacred pavilion.

As the name suggests, the decoration of the sacred pavilion room was very elegant, it had a total of three floors and below the floor there was a large booth and there was an attractive looking woman standing there.

This pavilion has a classic style but has a thick feel of wealth. On the left and right of the room there are many glass boxes, in each glass contact the medicinal ingredients are stored neatly, they are hung on the walls of the room for display. although the herbal ingredients are all the highest grade is the third level, it is quite satisfactory to be placed in a small town like this Longshan city.

Lin Tian was not very interested in some third level medicinal ingredients. He stepped forward and headed straight for the booth at the bottom of the stairs.

"Young Master, is there anything you would like to sell or buy?" The shop assistant saw Lin Tian come over immediately asked with a friendly smile on his face.

Even though Lin Tian's appearance was simple and didn't look like a second generation from a large family. as a shopkeeper, the maid didn't dare to ignore her and greeted her with a friendly smile.

Seeing a shop service with an arrogant name like this, Lin Tian nodded silently. The nature of the waiter is quite satisfactory.

"I looked for the ingredients in this record." Lin Tian handed a pre-written note to be used to concoct a poison-eliminating potion in his meridians to the maidservant and said.

"Wait a minute sir." After the little girl saw Lin Tian's note, she immediately nodded and said.

Lin Tian nodded and stood there waiting.

At the same time, at the entrance to the door of the Sacred Pavilion, two women walked into the pavilion.

The two women looked beautiful, the first woman looked to be 20 years old, her developed appearance looked very attractive.

Behind that attractive looking woman stood also a beautiful woman, her age was about 16 to 17 years old, she wore a face covering and only showed her thick eyebrows and long eyelashes and big beautiful eyes. even though she was wearing a face covering, she was not inferior to the attractive looking woman in front of her, if she removed the veil, she would definitely be a few points better off than the woman in front of her.

The arrival of the two women immediately attracted the views of the people in the entire pavilion.

Lin Tian was also curious and couldn't help but avert his eyes. Lin Tian's eyes brightened when he saw the appearance of a woman who had a face covering on her face.

Lin Tian's surprise was only for a moment and then a look returned indifferent.

Lin Tian had walked in the Immortal realm for thousands of years. Lin Tian has seen too many beautiful women who can destroy a country, although this woman's appearance is not inferior to the women he saw in the immortal realm, but now Lin Tian doesn't really care about women, he just wants to quickly increase his strength and returnto the Eternal Realm.especially since he was betrayed by Ling Yueyin, which made him completely disillusioned with the creatures called women.

The veiled woman also saw Lin Tian's appearance when she saw him. seeing Lin Tian's shocked appearance for a moment when he saw it, it really made him completely unexpected. Usually if anyone saw her, the young man would definitely fall under her skirt.

Unlike the people in the shop, they immediately came to surround the two of them and try to please themselves, but the young man only looked at himself for a moment, then turned his face and saw some of the herbal ingredients that were in the booth.

Is the herb more interesting than itself? The woman guessed that maybe Lin Tian was abnormal.

This is a woman, if you compliment her, she will think you are disgusting. But if you ignore him, he will think you're not normal.