Betrayal and a new chance


It was midnight and I was in a warehouse

"I've always been here to do the dirty business for them".

"I was supposed to be their most reliable man"

"But why ?"

"Why did they betrayed me ?"

"Did I did something wrong ?"

"Or was I just a disposable pawn for them ?"

I was at death's gates in this dirty place covered of blood and surrounded by corpses with bloody knives in my hands looking at the sky through the glass of the roof' sliding window.

I laughed a little at this ironical situation, I was always fighting for them, I killed for them.

Why? Even me I don't even know why!

The only thing I know is that I was a fool.

If we look at it, it was obvious that they would betray me someday.

After all they treated me like a weapon, the perfect killing machine.

Without any relative, I was the perfect candidate.

But even after 16 years serving them, they discarded me like that.

I sighed before saying, "At least I was able to save these four !" with some tears running down my cheecks.

It wasn't sadness, it was regret, I would like to be with them a little more!

Then, he entered inside the room, the man that I was used to trust more than anyone, the one I considered like a brother, "Jay" !

He was standing right in front of me with his blond hairs waving because of the wind coming from the opened door behind him.

I had a little sad smile at seeing him.

"So you're the one they sent to kill me?"

I asked with a sad tone.


That was his answer with a calm tone.

His face didn't let any hint of emotion to be seen.

I was surprised by his answer.

"Then why are you here?"

I asked with a confused tone.

"I am here to get rid of you!"

He annoinced

Then his face showed a twisted smile, it wasn't the kind and friendly man I was used to know.

"I convinced the organization that you and your foir comrades were traitors, and they sent these guys to kill you but I knew that it wouldn't be enough for you so I came to finish the job!"

"W-what ? Why ?"

I was more confused why would he do that I was always a good friend, so why?

"When we were taken in by the organization, we we were the perfect team, we were the two above all the others! But you decided to take these brats with you and I was left alone in your shadow, I was the eternal number two!" he said with bitterness.

"I was resolved to stay the number two if the number one were YOU!

But these four brats that you was training began to be on the way to take my place!

The organization was about to get rid of me!

It was at that moment that I realized that it was you or me!

And now I must say that you were the only one who were in my way, so farewell brother!"

I was speechless, my best friend is the one who betrayed me.

"Oh! And I almost forgot! "

He said while turning and taking a plastic bag from behind him and sending it towards me.


Something rolled out of the bag, something which looked round.

I came a little closer to see what it was.

My eyes widened as I realized that it was a head, and not any head but the head of one of my four disciples.

It wasn't all there were others inside the bag.

The four of them were killed?

"Are you the one who did this?"

I asked with sadness.

Tears began to form in my eyes.


I asked with some sobs.

"Huh? Isn't it obsious?"

"I want to be at the top and you and these brats are in my way!"

"or rather WERE in my way!"

He said with a grin.

I was unable do say anything, I was fighting the men sent to kill us to let them escape! But Jay killed them.

There were nothing to keep me wanting to live.

After all dying is kond of freeing, no?

"Anything to say?"

Jay asked me as he was taking a knife out of his pocket.

I just let my head lean down.

I was staring at the floor with eyes closed waiting him to kill me.

"I see, let's finish this!"

Just after saying that he stabbed me in the chest.

I was getting colder and colder but at the same time, the blood that was flowing out of my wound was making me feel warm.

My vision was getting blurred as my consciousness was fading away.

"So this is death!?"

I thought as my life was getting out of me.

It was dark!

My eyes were closing slowly and then the dark.

After my death I was sent in dark space, there was no light, I was just foating there in that hollow space.

It felt like I was there for months or years, but I didn't really know how much time I spent there.

"I see! The most scariest thing in the death is the loneliness!"

I thought while I was floating in the dark.

Then I saw after what felt like an eternity, a light.

It was as small as a little point in that dzrk space.

But it began to grow wider and wider untill it was big enough to be compared to a human.

Then someone came out of it.

It was a beautiful woman with with hairs and blue eyes wearing a white robe with golden ornaments.


She greeted me with a warm smile.

I was speechless at seeing her she was somehow seemed to be a superior being.

She must be what can be called a goddess!

"Hum H-hello!"

I was able to say.

"I am the goddess Eris, nice to meet you Chris!"

She said with joy.

"I am Christopher, nice to meet you too!"

I responded.

I was wondering what could be the reason of her presence there.

"I am here to send you to another world!"

She announced.

What? Another world?

But above all, Why me?


I asked her politely.

She was a little confused by my question.

She was certainly surprised that someone would asked why he was given a chance like that.

Anypne else would just accept that chance by for me who had already lost all the things that would keep me wanting to live, it was like calling me to go suffer more.

Is this my punishment for all my crimes?

Even if most them were bad guys, my victims were humans but if this isn't a punishment, what is it?

"Hum?! I saw your whole life and I saw all your suffering! So I decided to give you another chance to live a better life!"

She responded me.

"Why me? I am a bad guy, I killed so many people! I am a sinner! I…"

I lamented trying to argue.

"Saved many people!"

She cut me.


I saved many people? Who? When?

"When you have killed an evil person, you have also saved the potential victim!"

She explained.

What kind of logic was that?

Not that it wasn't true but still looked like too good to be real.

"And I do as I please!"

She announced proudly with a smirk.

Continuing to argue i useless.

"Just accept !"

She said.

"One day your life will find it sense!

Just like it you hve helped theses four, you would be able to help many others!"

She added with a smile but I could feel a little sadness in her Words.

It was like she already knew what woild happen in the future.

I then realized that ir wasn't a favor but some kind of betting.

She knew something bad would happen and she wanted to send me in that world to fix the things.

It wasn't like I was wanting to stay in that dark place forever.

"Then I accept!"

I simply responded.

"Wonderful, then I'll give you some gifts!"

She said with joy.

"What kind of gift?"

I asked wondering what she meant.

"You'll discover it soon!"

She said with her forefinger on her mouth as winking, her gesture was like to signalize me that I must discover it by myself.

And then she turned towards me like if she was forgetting something and asked,

"And what kind of life would you like to live?"

I was alittle confused, I was allowed to choose how would my second life would be.

I put my forefinger under my chin and began to think about it.

In my previous life I was used and thrown away like if I was an object.

I've also seen all the dark side of the human society.

So I think that It would be better to live alone without anyone to disturb me.

"I want to live somewhere alone in a place where no one would try to go!"

I announced her.

"Huh! Fine!"

She was a little surprised but it didn't last for long.

"In the world where I'll send you, the strength is essential to stay alive so take care! "

She said with a big smile as waving at me.


Before I could finish, a bright circle with some geometrical forms appeared under me and began to emit light.

It gobbled me up and I began to disappear.

What kind of world would it be?

I discover it soon!