A new home and a new friend


It was early in the morning, the sun was slowly rising.

I was on the ground, sleeping next to a extinct campfire, slowly getting up.

That day, the work for my new house would began.

I was waked up by the sound of branches cracking.

I immediately thought that it was a monster, then I grabed my weapons as fast as possible.

The sound was coming from behind some bushes, I was ready to hit first.

As the sound was approaching, I waited the right moment to send the first blow.

As it was nearer and nearer of me, the sound looked like coming from light steps.

I then concluded that the thing that was approaching wasn't a huge beast like the bear!

With that in mind, I waited for it to come out of the bushes.

When the thing got out, it was just a little goblin.

It was still dangerous even if it was only a goblin, it was still a monster.

I was about to attack when I saw it's eyes, it was crying.

'What is the meaning of this!'

I thought.

I was surprised that a monster could cry like that.

I lowered my weapons, and get nearer of it I was afraid but didn't tried to run away.

It looked like it didn't have the will to fight or doing anything else anymore.

It in a bad state, covered of blood, it didn't look to be its blood, but it still had some bruises.

I was a little sad for it.

I then thought of a way to heal it, and a screen appeared,

「Do you want to use the skill[Heal]?

Yes/No 」

That system was more surprising than I thought, it didn't only give some way to become strong and info, but also designated the most suitable skill to use!

I then chose 'Yes'!

Then a green light began to cover it, and all its wounds began to slowly heal.

I was surprised but the goblin was more surprised than me.

When the light began to fade all the wounds were healed.

I saw that the goblin was fine after my healing skill.

I was planing to go, but it began grab my left leg.


I asked as looking at it.


Was the only answer I got.

It was refusing to let me go no matter how hard i was shaking my leg.

It seemed that it was wanting to stay with me.

I thought at it for a second.

I asked to be away from society but I was mainly thinking at the human society.

So having a goblin as a friend isn't really a bad idea.

'Humans are only with you to use you and throw you away when they don't need you anymore!'

That was how I was thinking at that time.

'It's fine if I take this little guy with me, right!?'

I thought, and then the screen appeared once again,

「Do you want to tame the monster?

Do you want to use the skill [Tame]?

Yes/No 」

Better and better, it seemed that that system of mine was an useful tool.

I chose 'Yes', and then there was a magic circle that appeared on the ground under the goblin and a screen appeared in front of me,

「The contract with the monster have been


Stats of the monster

Race: Goblin Lvl. 3

Gender:M Title: None

Str: 20

Vit: 19

Int: 15

Agi: 30

Men: 10

Dex: 6


Bite lvl.10

Sprint lvl. 12 」

'His stats were pretty good for a lvl. 3'

I thought, and the screen appeared,

「 [input a name]

Submit 」

Then I thought a litlle for a name and after some time of thinking I found the name, and I tapped,

「 [ First ] 」

Then I clicked on 'Submit'.

As I clicked on 'Submit', he began to shine with a

dazzling yellow light, and when the light faded, he had changed, the previously 1 meter goblin was changed into a 1.34 one.

His high wasn't the only thing that have changed, his face was looking more like a human one.

It was still looking childish so I came to the conclusion that it was just a kid.

He was just wearing some fur covering his lower part.

That goblin was going to be my partner.

He was excited by the sudden change.

Then I kneelt in front of him and fondled a little his head.

"From now on, you'll be my friend First!"

I said to him with a warm smile.

His eyes began to shine at hearing my words.

「The familiar [First]has gained the title [First friend]! 」

It then was really happy to have a friend.


He said with joy.

He wasn't able to speak yet but I would teach him in the future.

Then back to the business, it was time to build the house.

First was excited to help me.

I then opened the quest details,

「Quest: Base building 2

You can choose one of the base models, and the material list will appear!」

There was many house models plans that appeared around me then.

I chose the most basic one and then, the material list appeared,

「Wood ×100

Fur ×30

Rope 100 meter

Sand 10 kg

grease 1 kg

Stone ×50 」

After that First and I began to collect the materials, it took us the whole day to collect all, but thanks to the [Inventory]of the system we were able to stock all the materials without any problem.

Back at the base I was about to check the quest one more time but the screen appeared before I could,

「You have collected all the materials!

You can now build your base!

Do you want to use the skill [Builder master]

Yes/No 」

I chose 'Yes' and then the house that I've chosen appeared instantly in front of me.

When I checked, all the materials had disappeared from the [Inventory].

It looked robust from the outside.

Then First and I went inside, it was really robust, there was a bed and the padding was made with the fur, the covering as well, there was a little kitchen made of stone, there was also a bath made of stone, the sand was used to make the glass of the windows.

The house wasn't big but it was a warm place to live and I had a friend with me.

First was so happy to live there!

He was jumping on the bed like if it was a trampoline.

It was a good start in my second life.

「You have achieved the quest:Base building2

You have received 1000 XP 」

「 You have leveled up 」

Looked like I was progessing.

And it was just the beginning.