Chapter Three

Bella was lucky enough to have a lawyer as her best friend and she has been practising law for almost 3 years now. Bianca is 6 years older than Bella although most people find it really hard to believe because Bianca had a petite stature and Bella on the other hand has an hour glass figure. Her class mates even nicknamed her miss Kim when she was in high school. Bianca and Bella became best of friends because of their parents, Bella's mum and Bianca's mum have been friends since 4th grade. According to what they told their daughter's, they immediately became friends when they found out that they both shared the same birthday.

Bella told Bianca about what happened at Hampson international lobby and about her plan to sue Christian the bull headed billionaire but the next thing she heard was a very loud sound of her best friends laughter.

"Really Anca ?" Bianca said with tears in her eyes for laughing so hard.

"Really this is not funny. I can't just forget about my car, that's the only memory I have left of my grand ma and I can't just sit and do nothing. " Bella said

Bella drove them to Hampson international in Bianca's car because she couldn't drive due to her accident. Bianca wasn't supposed to leave the hospital yet but she had to leave because of Bella. Bella started the car and was about to move out of the parking lot when she saw the mischievous billionaire bachelor coming out of his Black 2020 Mercedes Benz AMG G63 Mansory PP car. Bella got to know about this particular car of his through one of the magazines she read recently. The magazine stated that he had the car customized because he wanted to be the only person that had that exact type of car in the world . Bella once read from a magazine that he had

more than 10 luxurious cars. Chris was a lover of car. Luxurious cars at that. He got himself a 2021 Lamborghini urus by mansory worth a billion dollar recently. No wonder he sold Bella's car because she messed with his. Bella thought to herself.

Bella ran as fast as her legs could take her so that she could catch up with him. Bella was breathing heavily by the time she caught up with Chris. "Mr Hampson please I really need to talk to you about my car. That's the only gift my grandma gave me and I don't have money for another car because I need to support my mum financially. I'll be graduating from uni in a few months and have always wanted to be a flight attendant so I have sent in my application to your aviation school. I don't mind working for you for free after my graduation till am able to pay up my debt and in return please let me have my car back. I know it's impossible for you to have sold the car under 24hours . Please release my car sir am begging you."

" In how many years would you be able to pay me 200,000 dollars?" Chris replied. Bella was so shocked by Christian's response that she couldn't move nor open her mouth.

" You Probably won't be able to pay me for the rest of your life and am doing you a very big Favour by putting your car up for sale and don't be stupid enough to believe I won't be able to sell your car under 24hours. As a matter of fact, the car was gone under 10 mins of posting it on the company's website. You didn't sell the car dear, I did. You want to know why? It's because have made a name for myself and anything I put up for sale becomes sold out. Just so you know darling the aviation school will be declining your offer because I don't need a ramshackle irreparable low life student or employee like your little self so if you'll excuse me now and lest I forget Miss Benson told me you wanted to sue me, well you're welcomed to be my guest. Adiue butterfly . " Christian said before entering the company building.

Bella just stood on the same spot totally dumb founded after listening to Christians speech. Not only did he sell her car but he didn't even feel any remorse what so ever and he's even trying to take away her dream of becoming a flights attendant. Bella has always wanted to go to the best school in England , even if not in the world and here's her chance. Hampson Avaition School is not only the best in England but it's Number 1 in the world based on ranking. She has tried her best to keep her straight A since freshman year and so far she was super proud of herself because she has been able to keep her grades despite all odds.

She called a Cab for Bianca when she was able to gather her thoughts. She couldn't even drive because of how shocked she was so she decided to stay back and wait till Christian leaves.

It was past 11pm before Christian came out of the building. It was around the time Bella bumped into his car last night so she decided to tail his car at least till we were far from the security men but unfortunately for Bella Christian caught her following him early enough so he decided to call his guards because I soon discovered that I was surrounded. This guy didn't even stop, he just left forr his guards to deal with her.

Bella woke up the next morning in a luxurious looking room. Her eyes became very clear immediately because she knew the doesn't look like her room. Her room was like one third of the one she was. A lot of thought started running through her head. "How on earth did I get here? whose house is this? who brought me here?" Bella started thinking. She quickly looked at her body and discovered she still had her clothes on. She couldn't imagine what she would have done if her clothes were no longer on her.

She took long strides to the door because she wanted to get out, she needed to go home, her mum and the twins would be really worried. Usually If Bella wasn't going to go home, she usually inform her mum in advance plus she needed to return Bianca's car. She also needs to study for her final exams. She also needed to speak to Christian to at least let her attend his aviation school. Even if he doesn't want to release her car she was no longer going to fight him for it as long has he doesn't jeopardize her dreams. "He can do whatever he wants with the car but he can't sabotage my admission and my dreams. It's totally unfair on my part especially if am truly qualified." Bella thought to herself.

Bella turned the door knob severally but the door refused to unlock, she shouted, she screamed for help but nobody answered her. That was when it dawned on her that she has  been kidnapped. But by who and why?