Chapter Seven

Bella's mum's surgery was to last for an hour so she sat at the waiting area. She noticed someone beside her but  just ignored the person. She brought out her phone to send texts to people that needed to know that her mum was in the hospital. The first person she texted was Mr. Anderson because she knew how much he cared about her mum. She had the chance to talk to him severally after her graduation and  saw him as a father figure. He introduced his daughter Catty Raqueal to Bella and the twins. Raquel had a long brown loose curly hair. Her brown eyes were really captivating. Bella totally fell in love with her at first sight. Raquel's mum died while giving birth to her so she was raised by her dad. She was really bold and acted like a complete adult for her 16years old self.

Bella decided not to call my brothers and Bianca because she didn't want to bother them. She saw nurses rushing out of the operation room, she walked up to them to ask what was wrong but none of them answered her, they were too busy looking for whatever they are looking for to attend to her. Few minutes later Bella saw two of the nurses returning with blood so she held tight onto one of them to inquire what the problem was. "There was a surgical injury to her internal organ."  The nurse replied.

"What do you mean surgical injury? Will she be okay?" Bella asked in fear.

"You have to let me go now if you want us to save your Mum's life."

Bella just went straight down because her legs were too weak to walk. She suddenly felt someone's arm around her. She knew the smell, the cologne smelled really familiar, the touch was soothing to her skin, the arm were so strong that she felt protected. To her it felt like the hug was telling her everything will be fine, the hug felt really familiar. She knew exactly who it was.

"Chris?" She muttered. He didn't say anything but  helped her get up and walked her to where she was sat before the nurses commotion.

"Why are you still here?" Bella asked.

"Ummm, I felt you needed a friend, I was going to leave when your friend or family members arrive. You didn't seem to be in the right frame of mind earlier."  Chris replied with a shrug.

"Are you not busy?" Bella asked .

"Well not for the rest of the day butterfly."  Chris replied smiling.

"Did you cancel your appointments because of me?" Bella asked.

"No Butterfly I needed rest , don't get your hopes up." He replied with a smirk.

Bella scoffed rolling her eyes. " So why did you cancel your appointment then? And why are you here with me instead of resting."  Bella replied with a smirk .

Chris saw how stressed Bella was and was so sure that she hasn't eaten since morning and was just trying to stay strong so he asked her out of curiosity

"Do you want me to get you something to eat?" Chris asked rubbing his neck with his hand.

Bella knew he just wanted to avoid the topic. She knew Chris was not caring enough to care if someone has eaten or not.

"What a good way to change the topic." Bella said with a chuckle.

Chris eyes suddenly held Bella's because he really loved how she smiled and Bella found his eyes so  beautiful. He had a beautiful Violet Eyes, his eyes were so unique, it almost felt like there were tiny pretty little stars in them.

It was the first time Bella saw such a beautiful pair of eyes. Chris on the other hand was so captivated by Bella's Almond shape green flecks hazel eyes. Her lips were small and plum. It looked really soft and Chris couldn't help but lick his lips before looking her in the eyes again.

"You still don't remember me do you?" He asked. That was the second time he asked Bella that question so Bella couldn't help but wonder why he keeps asking her that question and she was curious as to why he call me her butterfly. Bella kept wondering why the name butterfly felt so familiar to her.

"Have we met before?"  Bella decided to ask but Chris didn't say a word.    "Personally I knew you from the TV and have seen you a few times on the news aside that you are always on entertainment gossips. I honestly do not think you will know a girl like me but thanks for saying you know me because I get to spank you." Bella raised her hand to hit the back of his neck but he held her hand tightly with a friendly glare.

"You don't do the spanking butterfly, I should be the one doing it and definitely not here but in the other room." He said smirking.

Bella understood what he meant and she could feel heat all  over her body.   How a single statement could have so much effect on her was a mystery to her because she had never felt that way before.

She was so curious about why Chris doesn't call her by her name.

"Why do you call me butterfly?" She asked.

"Because you told me to." he replied shrugging.

"Oh wow when because I can't remember asking you to. I mean practically we've never met and this is like our second encounter and  I don't really thin...." Bella saw the doctors walking out of the operation room and stood up immediately.

"How is my mum?" She asked.

"She's fine and stable." The surgery went well the doctor replied .

"The surgery went well? Even with the surgical error? and don't you even have anything to say to us?" I could have your licence withdrawn right now. Chris said glaring at the doctor

"We're you not going to say anything about it before?" Bella asked, disappointed in the doctor.

"I, I," the doctor shuttered .

"Are you sure you are in your right senses MR Dr , I almost lost my mum because of your stupid carelessness and all you could come up with is I,I? No traces of remorse whatsoever, was her life a joke to you." Bella shouted at  the doctor with a glare.

People gathered around the scene because of how Bella was shouting at the top of her lungs and they noticed Chris. Most people brought out their phones to make a video but Christian gave them a stern warning. They all felt intimidated and left the scene.

The doctor eventually gave what sounded like an apology but wasn't. It was just to make Bella keep quiet. "Mi-chin sae-ggi(Crazy son of a bitch) Bella muttered.