The past makes Alma learn

"Alma calm down! If you keep panicking like this, how about tonight you come with me. I will take you home and we will get married there"

Alma was silent for a moment, he was really surprised to hear Arfha's words. How could he just get married, without telling his parents. While his mother and father are so precious. But Alma thinks again, if he can't marry Arfha, what about his love all this time.

Reflecting is one of Alma's ways to find solutions, it's not easy to make decisions at a time like this. While Arfha stopped the car, he looked very serious.

"How is Alma? Do you want us to get married?" Asked Arfha confidently. Arfha was also not aware of what he was talking about.

Silence is a choice, afraid to take sudden action, digesting all of Arfha's words like internal organs digesting incoming food. Slowly Arfha reached out her hand, seeing Arfha's hand touching hers, made her heart flutter. Alma's feelings are now alive again, he can't lie to himself if he also wants to marry Arfha.

Full of hope and full of confidence, may Alma accept him "I will not force you to answer now Alma. If you are still not sure, I will give you time until you are absolutely sure"

"I want to marry you" Alma immediately answered spontaneously.

"Is that true?" Arfa still can't believe it.

Alma nodded "That's right Arfha"

"Okay tonight I will call Mami and Papi at home. I will tell them about this happy news"

"But your Mami and Papi have never seen me? How can you be sure to tell them?"

"You don't have to worry about this problem, because I understand better the character of my parents"

"Yes, if that's the case"

Tonight is a night that might be said to be strange, happy, sad and mixed. Because they both suddenly want to get married. No rain and no wind, they easily arranged their wedding plans.

Since that time Alma and Arfha immediately flew to America, it could be said that their marriage was sudden. But when they were about to get married, Arfha and Alma tried to contact Alma's father and mother to ask for their blessing. But they still don't give their blessing. Because Arfha was desperate to take Alma away without the knowledge of Mrs. Yulia and Alma's father.

In a forced state, Alma and Arfha try to sincerely marry, even though it feels heavy but there is no other way. Invited guests have arrived, sitting in a row in the space that has been provided. Alma and Arfha hope that their domestic relationship will be peaceful forever.

That's the reason Alma's father and mother are so angry until now, he thinks Arfha is not a good man. Especially now that Alma is home, heavily pregnant, without being accompanied by Arfha. And more painfully, Alma gave birth on her own without being accompanied by her own husband.

Which parent's heart wouldn't break to see her daughter's condition like this. It felt like he was being slashed, every time he saw Alma hurt his father, he knew that his daughter was pretending to be strong. In fact, it is very fragile.


Alma who was sitting thinking about his past, suddenly realized that it had passed. She wiped her tears as she tried to smile. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his agitated heart.

Suddenly a soft voice called from behind "Alma...!" Call Mrs. Yulia.

Surprised, Alma immediately turned and saw Mrs. Yulia's face full of love, a face that always gave Alma enthusiasm every day "Yes mother" Alma replied.

"Aletta seems to need your breast milk, because she has been crying for a long time," said Mrs. Yulia while holding Aletta.

"Yes mother, let Alma give milk for Aletta" Alma immediately carried the baby again.

"Honey, you're crying, sorry dear mother for making you restless," said Alma, looking at Aletta's eyes.

"Mom, stay now! If you want to eat, just go to the kitchen. Because mom has prepared your favorite food"

"Okay mom"

Mrs. Yulia left Alma alone, she was devastated to see her daughter who had to raise her baby alone. Mrs. Yulia went to the room, she cried profusely in the room. His chest felt tight, he patted it with his hands. After all the tears came out, then Mrs. Yulia felt better. He could breathe easy.

That's life, there are times when people feel sad, there are times when people feel happy. There is a time to be together and a time to separate. Life will not always be happy.

Time goes on and on, day and night alternate. Alma was so enthusiastic about taking care of Aletta's first baby daughter. Every day Alma is getting smarter in taking care of Aletta. She is getting trained to be a great mother.

Alma is also getting more and more used to hearing the words of neighbors who don't work, he is able to accept whatever they say well, even though it is very painful. Every morning Alma took Aletta for a walk, every morning Alma also heard unpleasant words. Trying to smile even though it was bitter was Alma's habit. He didn't want to be down, he didn't want to continue to be sad.

Even now, Arfha has never contacted Alma, but Alma has never wanted to know about it. He had also told his father and mother not to discuss Arfha.

Feeling bored at home, Alma has a plan to find work, he must help his mother and father. Because Alma is ashamed to keep eating free even at her own mother's house.

Right at the age of two years Aletta.

It doesn't feel like Aletta has grown into a very beautiful child, she is also very good at joking even though she is not too good at expressing a few words. However, Alma continues to try to educate Aletta to become a useful child for the nation and state. Now that Aletta can walk, she looks very adorable.

Incidentally this morning Mrs. Yulia was sitting with Alma, this is the right time for Alma to speak "Mother, can Alma speak?"

"Please dear!"

"Now that Aletta is all grown up, it seems it's time for Alma to make a living"

"Where do you want to work?" Mrs. Yulia asked.

"For that matter I don't know mother, but Alma will try to find a good job"

"Are you sure you want to leave Aletta?"

"Sure mom! If Alma doesn't work where will we eat?"

"If you believe, mother will support you"

"Thank you mom! Pray for Alma that Alma will get a good job soon"

"Mom always pray for you dear"